Pirating software doesn’t make you a communist, it makes you a thief along with the risks of exposing your commercial and customer data to criminals.

Learn why Firebear Studio extensions have open code, why don’t we use IonCube, and why is it good for you to own the extension code.

Downloading software from untrustworthy sources – especially for e-commerce projects  where you handle your customer’s private and payment information – yields certain risks for the store owner which may cost hundreds times more than purchasing a software license.

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Risks for store owners when downloading Magento 2 extensions from warez portals

  1. Malware – google for similar cases when the servers were infected with crypto-miners, viruses, and trojans.
    Stolen customer’s credit card data and personal information is just a glimpse of what the business may be losing to the blackmail threats, not talking about the legal consequences.
  2. EULA violation – every software has the owner. We monitor and file legal cases against shops and development agencies using unauthorized copies of the extensions.
    You need to make sure that the development agencies are using properly purchased software licenses. Think about the developer working with legacy code discovering pirated software and reporting to the software developer for support.
  3. Outdated versions – the software available at warez and null websites often is out of date, which means that it is missing important security and compatibility updates.
    Having your developers working on the outdated Magento 2 extensions yields additional costs and security risks.
  4. No support – we will not be providing support for the cracked/nulled extensions for Magento 2 and your store until we know that the extension has been purchased properly. On the contrary, when we know that the Improved Import for Magento 2 has been “pirated” we will most likely ask for the support of our lawyers.

If you want to try the extension out first

Firebear Studio has several options for you if you want to try the Improved Import & Export extension for Magento 2 out before the purchase:

  1. We have a 30-days money back guarantee. If for some reason the extension doesn’t meet your requirements or you have any issues with it, you can ask for a refund.
  2. Demo 30-minutes call. Schedule a call with Firebear Studio product owner, who can show you how the extension works, and answer any questions about your business-specific use cases.
  3. Demo store. We have the demo store with Improved Import & Export extension installed where you can try importing your data and try out the export for free for unlimited time.

Feel free to use all three possibilities, try out, have a call, we are happy to provide you with any information required for your business.

Why do we still have open code for Firebear products

The quick answer is – because we believe in the open code, and that the end customer may have their own ideas how they see the Improved Import & Export extension or other products by Firebear fit for their needs.

The long answer:

  1. Because you never know what’s inside the IonCube. As short as that, when you are building a proper large store for a company, you always need to make sure the code you are using.
  2. Because you can adjust the extension to your business needs. Customization of the extension is possible with open code. You can add new functionality, or change how particular features work depending on what your customer or business needs.
  3. Because it is safe for the store. When the code is open, your development team can see how it works, how it affects your store, and which permissions will be required for the software to operate.


Don’t download cracked/nulled versions of the software. Purchase a license, it is much better for your business.

Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or want to see the demo. We always find ways to support small businesses and work for mutual profit with the development agencies.

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