Get the list of events from any version of magento

get list of events
If you want to get the list of all the events available in your magento version, you can achieve this by running the following code -:

$eventAreas = array('global','frontend','adminhtml');
foreach ($eventAreas as $eventArea) { $eventConfig = Mage::app()->getConfig() ->getNode(sprintf('%s/events', $eventArea)); foreach($eventConfig->children() as $key=>$value) { foreach($value->observers->children() as $key1=>$value1) { $observer_method = array((string)$eventArea, (string)$key, (string)$key1, (string)Mage::app()->getConfig() ->getModelClassName($value1->class), (string)$value1->method); echo '<pre>'; print_r($observer_method); echo '</pre>'; } }

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