Now, third-party applications and extensions are the most used tools for ecommerce businesses. Their main objective is to simplify your daily and help you increase the worth of your company. You would be losing on a lot of valuable and useful options if you didn’t have it. Industry heavyweights like Magento and Shopify have their own App Stores as a result. We’ll look at the best 20 conversion optimization solutions offered from Shopware Store in this post. You may find a number of options here, such as blogs, reminders, and trustbadges. Every extension we examine is compatible with Shopware 6. Conversion optimization tools, including what they are, how they work, and why they are necessary, will be thoroughly explained to you. So let’s get going.

What is Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)? 

Increasing the proportion of conversions from a website or mobile app is called conversion rate optimization. CRO often entails coming up with suggestions for features on your website or app that may be improved, then testing those hypotheses using A/B and multivariate methods to confirm them. 

The percentage of website visitors who convert is the straightforward definition of an online conversion rate. That indicates that the visitor successfully completes the task you want them to, such as upgrading a membership, joining an email list, or completing a transaction.

What six fundamental components make up conversion rate optimization?

Landing page design

The primary factor determining a website’s usability and success is its landing page design. A website will get more popularity the more attractively designed it is.

Website copy

A well-designed and aesthetically beautiful website can increase website traffic, but words have the power to captivate readers and turn them into potential customers. It can make a difference between visitors staying on your website and doing the necessary activities and visitors leaving your site without taking any action if you write pertinent and compelling content that highlights the product’s persuasiveness.


An explicit request or call for customers to execute the intended action is what a call-to-action (CTA) is. This action could be anything, such as signing up for a newsletter, purchasing something, using a service, or scheduling a spot in a webinar. The CTA’s ability to create more leads increases with its strength and clarity.

Site architecture and navigation

The layout of your website should be designed to make it simple to navigate. Site structure is fundamentally a graph that shows how various pages on your website relate to one another.


Most businesses depend heavily on forms, especially if they’re a part of their sales funnel. Enhancing these crucial client touchpoints can significantly increase conversion rates. A thorough form may be beneficial in some circumstances, but in many others, brief forms may be sufficient to move conversions up the graph. The key component in this recipe is to consistently balance lead volume and quality for the best return on investment.

Page speed

The performance of your site as a whole is significantly impacted by page speed or load time. In actuality, it has a direct impact on the user experience, the site’s conversion rate, and its search engine ranking.

How do you figure out conversion rate?

The number of conversions (desired actions taken) is divided by the total number of visits, and the resulting number is multiplied by 100 to produce the conversion rate as a percentage. If, for instance, your website had 450 visitors and 18 transactions in the previous month, your conversion rate would be 18 divided by 450 (or 0.04), multiplied by 100, or 4%.

Why is it vital to optimize conversion rates?

By extracting more value from the traffic and users you already have, conversion rate optimization enables you to reduce your customer acquisition expenditures. You can boost income per visitor, attract more clients, and expand your business by increasing your conversion rate.

Conversion rate optimization is a never-ending process, and the greatest businesses are consistently refining and enhancing their websites and applications to enhance user experience and boost conversion rates.

Best Conversion Optimization Apps for Shopware 6

The best Shopware 6 conversion optimization options are listed below.

Trusted Shops Trustbadge for Shopware 6

The simplest and quickest approach to persuade customers that your online store is trustworthy is to display the Trusted Shops Trustbadge for Shopware 6. Product usage is guaranteed to begin within 5 minutes of the straightforward installation, which often requires little to no prior technical experience. With this extension, you never fall behind in terms of technology and require any further maintenance. 
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  • Display the Trustbadge, include Buyer Protection, and gather customer reviews. 
  • Gather and read product evaluations 
  • Display a sticker with a shop review and ratings. 
  • Optimized review request transmission 
  • Create many shops with various Trusted Shops IDs, such as shops for different languages

This application is free to use.

Get Trusted Shops Trustbadge for Shopware 6 App


You have access to dynamic thumbnails with this plugin. For the LazyLoading functionality, this plugin also provides automatically generated thumbnail sizes. Thumbnails are provided for each and every item and image on the purchasing websites. These are automatically created and maintained as standards upon upload. The plugin then intervenes and gives the user the choice to halt the production of fresh thumbnail files.


  • Adding more thumbnail sizes
  • Create dynamic thumbnails
  • Save thumbnail generation
  • Automation 

You may use this plugin without spending any money.

Get ThumbnailProcessor App

Facebook Pixel (Meta Pixel) & Conversion API Integration

You may target and engage existing Facebook users, attract new ones, track outcomes, and maximize conversions with Facebook Pixel (Meta Pixel). This program records a variety of actions that customers in your store took.


  • Conversion API
  • Captured standard events
  • Data protection modes
  • Customization / Compatibility / Performance

This app is available for purchase for €69 or for rent for €14,99 a month.

Get Facebook Pixel (Meta Pixel) & Conversion API Integration App

HTML Minify plugin

Visitors will receive minified inline JavaScript and HTML with this plugin. In experiments, this produces contents that are up to 50% smaller and has up to 30% more compression enabled. The HTTP cache contains the compressed result. By looking at the X-Html-Compressor header in Devtools, you may monitor the compression.


  • You can serve visitors minified HTML and minified inline JavaScript.

This plugin can be used for Free. 

Get HTML Minify plugin App

Trailing Slash Redirect

When categories are called from an invalid link, this plugin automatically resolves the problem with the way they are displayed. The start page or even an error notice alerting users that the given category doesn’t exist would be displayed in its place if Shopware didn’t by default assume that a category URL will end in a slash (“/”); otherwise.


  • Select from two search engine-friendly alternatives. 
  • Status code for configurable redirects. 
  • Works with any URL scheme for a category.

This expansion is available for €39.

Get Trailing Slash Redirect App

Blog for SW 6

This program provides Shopware 6’s missing blog component. The backend allows for the creation of as many blog articles as necessary, and multilingualism is enabled by default. A block may be used to include the blog into any layout for a shopping experience. The best part: a CMS page may be used to freely create the blog detail page!


  • Blog component for Shopware 6 with different layouts + slider
  • Category, author, tags
  • Assignment of products, display of blog posts in product tab
  • Restriction by sales channel, customer group or only for logged-in users
  • Shopping experience element (blog overview) and individual detail page
  • Full SEO support (URL, Meta Title + Description)

This app is available for purchase for €149 or rental for €15 per month.

Get Blog for SW 6 App

SEO Professional

Multiple SEO settings and improvements are consolidated into one place with the SEO Professional plugin. When Shopware is complete, the add-on resumes and assists you in enhancing your search engine rankings.


  • ‘Meta’ tags. The Shopware standard’s existing meta fields are modified and expanded by SEO Professional. 
  • SERP Overview The SERP preview may be used to generate meta data with the most accurate idea of how the Google search results will look. 
  • Generator for bulk categories and products. Using the bulk generators for items and categories, you may use a template to automatically create the meta title, meta description, URL, and robots tag. The templates for generating the SEO parameters may be set up for each category. 
  • URL redirects of types 301 and 302. Using the 301 and 302 URL redirects, you may configure URL redirects through the administration. From this page, you may send a URL to another URL, an article, or a category.

This app is available for purchase for €249 or may be used with a monthly subscription for €30.

Get SEO Professional App

Remove or replace copyright

With the use of this plugin, you may totally delete or swap out your store’s Shopware copyright logo and associated text from the Shopware Standard Theme. 


  • Remove Shopware copyright completely
  • Replace Shopware copyright with your own copyright
  • Display store logo above copyright
  • Also support copyright in checkout

You have a choice between two versions of this extension: a free version without support and a version with paid support for €1 per month.

Get Remove or replace copyright App


On any device, DooFinder displays pertinent search results in less than 35 milliseconds. DooFinder advances your Shopware search by utilizing cutting-edge search algorithms, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing. Better performance, checkouts, and a greater average order value will be to your advantage.
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  • Customisable algorithm
  • Business Rules
  • Multi-Store connection
  • Landing Pages and Redirections
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Conversion optimised results
  • Self-learning, intelligent, error-tolerant technology
  • Custom algorithm
  • Business rules and merchandising features
  • Optimised mobile search layout

You can exploit this add-on for Free.

Get DooFinder App

Variants in listing

The variation attributes of the items can already be shown in the category listing with this extension. There is no longer a need to navigate to the product detail page because the variation selection may already be made in the listing thanks to the optional quick buy capability.


  • You can see information about deliveries. 
  • When a user clicks or hovers over an option, a preview of the product appears. 
  • The listing may show a quantity selection. 
  • Additional forms of property displays Possible drop-down menus and list displays in the cross-selling slider (product detail page)

This app is available for purchase for €79 or a monthly subscription is available for €8,99.

Get Variants in listing App

Back in stock notifications

By enabling customers to receive updates when an item is back in stock, back in stock notifications increase conversions. Bring back clients to your store to purchase their chosen goods.


  • Flow builder support
  • Form for product stock subscriptions with email and quantity on the product description page 
  • Email availability detection; when a consumer logs in, the email form is hidden 
  • Choice between using absolute or accessible stock
  • Clients can subscribe to a larger supply amount by using the quantity field
  • For a cleaner stock subscription experience, there is an option to hide the quantity field
  • The choice to subscribe as an admin to new product stock notifications

This app is available for €299 or €22.50 per month.

Get Back in stock notifications App

Recently viewed products

You may provide your clients the option to quickly view the products they last looked at by using this plugin. The plugin automatically adds a CrossSelling tab and displays the most recent products there in the lower section of the product description page. This plugin is ideal for stores without developers because of how easy it is to install and configure.


  • Automatic saving of the products in the session
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Easy configuration
  • The name of the CrossSelling area can be easily and quickly adjusted using the plugin configuration

Use this extension for €89,99 or rent it for €8,99 per month.

Get Recently viewed products App

You have the option of providing your visitors with crucial information at the top of the screen by using the conversion header.


  • Point out an important hotline
  • Also provide shipping information
  • and discount promotions

You can use this application for Free.

Get Conversion Header App

Filter search

A search input is added by this plugin above the filter selections. If the preset value exceeds the number of filter option counts, it will be visible.


  • Places a search field above the filter choices
  • Set filter options

Utilize this extension for Free.

Get Filter search App

CMS Powerpack

The shopping experience has many new blocks and components thanks to this software. Useful features include the CTA Flex element, action card element, image comparison slider, and many others.


  • Completely reworked CTA/button element
  • Action card
  • Before/after image comparison/slider
  • Shopware data mapping support for category pages
  • Grids / column layouts
  • reworked CTA/button element based on CSS flexbox
  • Testimonial element, Alert element
  • Tab element, Chordion element
  • Google Map element, Countdown element
  • HTML/CSS element

For €99, you can make use of this application.

Get CMS Powerpack App

Bundle/composed products

By using this plugin, you can create items the same way you always do while specifying precisely which other products are already in existence. Consider a table with four distinct legs for an example of how varied numbers of each product can be configured. The bundle’s contents might be shown on the storefront for marketing purposes or used just for administrative needs.


  • Automatic out-of-stock indication when one or more of the bundle’s components are unavailable
  • API-compatible orders
  • Order details show bundle information at the line-item level
  • Order management instructions may be added as an optional note for each product in the bundle

You can buy this application for €439 or rent it for €36,95/month.

Get Bundle/composed products App

Elysium Slider

You may manage all of your slides in one location using this app. Therefore, there is no need to create laborious slide material for a Shopping Experiences part. Your slides can be readily used elsewhere, and you can organize them however you like. 


  • Central administration of slides 
  • Elysium Slider Shopping Experiences element slide assignments 
  • Expandable slides with configurable fields 
  • Easy to use The slider is something you control, not the other way around

This plugin is available in a free version without support and a supported version at €9,99 per month.

Get Elysium Slider App

Login with Facebook, Google, Keycloak and more

You may allow customers to log in to your shop using OAuth 2.0 by using this login plugin. Numerous reputable suppliers, like Facebook, Google, and others, are supported. This plugin has a wide range of potential applications.


  • Registration or login with XXX
  • Private shop
  • Share OAuth 2.0 tokens from other applications
  • The plugin supports six widely used providers
  • DSGVO compliant (Please add data protection provisions)

This addition is available to purchase for €99,99 or for rent for €10 monthly.

Get Login with Facebook, Google, Keycloak and more App

Abandoned Carts

This plugin transforms abandoned carts—carts that visitors have abandoned—into abandoned carts. This occurs as soon as a visitor logs in or when their email address is known during the checkout process. The clock is now running. An email reminder will be sent to the owner of each cart when the defined amount of time has passed for an abandoned cart. This reminder was made using an email template and includes a straightforward link that the consumer may utilize to restore their cart and complete their purchase in your store.


  • Emails sent automatically when a cart is abandoned
  • Administration insights on abandoned carts
  • Completely editable and programmable mail template
  • Total control over when a cart is regarded as abandoned and when alerts are planned
  • Create a decay time to get rid of lost abandoned carts on its own
  • Information regarding the contents of each abandoned cart

This addition can be used for €159,95 or rented for €24,95 per month.

Get Abandoned Carts App

Individual Offer

This plugin allows your customers to quickly and easily generate an offer request from their shopping cart. This request can be handled via the shop administration. You can accept or reject the request by assigning specific offer prices to the articles. Following acceptance, your customer will see the offer in their customer account and will be able to place an order based on it.


  • Allows your consumers to create an offer request from their existing shopping cart. 
  • Off-canvas shopping carts can also be used to generate offer requests. 
  • In the Shopware administration, you may see all offer requests and update, approve, or reject them. 
  • In the customer account, your clients may see all offers as well as the status of the offers. 
  • When an offer is accepted, a standard order is created and the typical checkout process is followed. 
  • Configuration choices are numerous.

This extension can be purchased for €449 or rented for €52,99 per month.

Get Individual Offer App


What is conversion rate optimization?

The process of raising the proportion of users who do a desired action on a website is known as conversion rate optimization (CRO). A product purchase, selecting “add to basket,” signing up for a service, completing a form, or clicking a link are examples of desired activities.

What advantages can conversion rate optimization offer?

– Optimization of conversion rates for websites
– Conversion rate optimization has 11 advantages.
– Learn about your customers.
– Increasing website revenue
– Utilize current online traffic.
– Reduce the price you pay to acquire new customers.
– To increase website conversion rates, raise your website’s search engine rating.
– Boost the lifetime value of consumers.
– Decide based on facts that have been proved.

What are tools for conversion optimization?

CRO tools gather information about a website’s users and visitors to assist site owners in understanding how their sites are used and in identifying and testing potential modifications to boost conversion rates.

A good conversion rate is what?

Over 10% is considered a strong conversion rate, with some companies averaging 11.45%. Your organization will be among the top 10% of global advertisers if you achieve a conversion rate that is two to five times higher than the industry standard.

How can conversion optimization be done?

– Your website should have a pop-up.
– Form fields that are not necessary should be removed.
– Add endorsements, ratings, and logos.
– Eliminate all commotion.
– Make the first step incredibly simple.
– Include a third-party signup platform.
– Make your CTA copy stronger.
– Include live chat on your website.

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