For their businesses in the fields of digital commerce, many enterprises require a number of extra services. Cloud services, or so-called SaaS solutions, are increasingly being used by businesses today, whether it’s for data synchronization assistance or to guarantee the security of your products. Now, we’ll explore WebScale, one of these systems. It is a SaaS platform that offers numerous capabilities for your business and assists in its easy development of it. We’ll go into detail about the advantages and features of WebScale in this article. Let’s discuss the benefits, it will bring you and why you need it.

WebScale Introduction 

Webscale is the Cloud Platform for Modern Commerce, providing security, scalability, performance, and automation for major companies. Built on SaaS technology, The Webscale solution enables automation and DevOps protocols to make infrastructure deployment, administration, and upkeep in multi-cloud settings, such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure, simpler. 

WebScale Unique Advantages 

As we said before, it is a true SaaS technology platform that was created specifically for e-commerce and has a few special advantages. Well, first of all, WebScale offers an all-inclusive package for your company. You receive the best quality of service, starting with Security, Availability, Performance, Analytics, and Control. And this is only the start. 

Additionally, you can rely on the platform’s strong and adaptable 24-7×365 DevSecOps Support. Assistance can be reached by phone, email, or Slack. 

Futhermore, you receive a unique tech stack with a variety of features, including:

  • Continually Upgrade/Re-platform 
  • Auto-predictive scaling 
  • Integrity and Security 
  • Deep observability and developer tools 
  • Machine learning and automation

WebScale Solutions 

We’ll examine this platform’s remedy in this section. Let’s do this on two points: products and plans. 


You can choose a fully managed cloud delivery plans from WebScale that is built for e-commerce businesses of all sizes. They provide you with the ability to run continuous deployment and integration, auto-scaling, performance optimization, and a number of daily chores related to cloud security on any e-commerce platform and in any public cloud environment. 


If the traffic to your website is fewer than 50,000, the plan is perfect. STRATUS offers an enterprise-grade platform that makes life easier for developers. Webscale STRATUS is perfect for small and medium-sized eCommerce enterprises on any platform because it has self-service pricing. 


If your average monthly visitor brings in between 50k to 100k persons, this option is perfect. You get benefits like the following with this plan: 

  • Flexible Data Plane (includes Proxy, WAF, Load Balancer) 
  • Access to Webscale Portal 
  • Daily Backup 
  • Support for DevOps 365 days a year 
  • Critical incident response time SLA of 30 minutes 
  • Further SaaS Features
  • 1 cluster of production applications was present (min 1) 
  • Included is a single Cron/NFS server. 
  • One cluster of integrated staging and development applications is present (min 1, max 1) 


If your website receives 100k to 500k visitors per month, this plan is for you. Some of the things this package provides are listed below: 

  • 1 cluster of production applications 
  • A single Cron/NFS server 
  • One cluster of linked staging and development applications 
  • Optional deployment of PWA 
  • Highly Scalable Plane (including Proxy, WAF, Load Balancer) 
  • Architecture HA
  • Daily Backup
  • Extra SaaS Features
  • 15-minute response time SLA for critical issues
  • 24x7x365 DevSecOps Support
  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager


So unless you receive between 500k and 1M monthly visitors to your website, this option would be for you. A Dedicated Account Manager is a new feature that comes with Business alongside the standard capabilities provided with the Pro edition. 


This plan is the best for you if your traffic crosses 1 million visits per month. You receive a foundational set of features as well as a few new ones with this plan: 

  • One or more backend instances or application clusters 
  • 1 application cluster for staging 1 application cluster for development 
  • Exclusive Slack Channel 
  • Perfect for B2B or B2C


We’ll look at the items this company offer in the section below.

Webscale CloudEDGE Security

The websites that use CloudEDGE Security have improved models, always-on protection that is application-aware, and specific rules to defend against complex assaults. The function offers a number of services, in addition to a controlled WAF, that enables real-time application monitoring and analysis through detection, automatic mitigation, and continuing security. 

Furthermore, for developers and retailers who are having trouble with insufficient security on hosted eCommerce systems, CloudEDGE Security is provided as a standalone system or as an add-on to all Webscale cloud delivery plans. 

Such benefits are also present in this product: 

  • DDoS Security with Just One Click. While the DevSecOps team works diligently to find the root problem, Shield Mode offers single-click security by immediately restricting the program to permit access only to people. 
  • Prevent Unwanted Traffic. App Shield blocks any traffic that has not been authorized by the Webscale management plane from accessing the application infrastructure.
  • Increasing Trust Between the Browser and the Application. App offers security to the browser from traffic and application infrastructure.
  • Find and Eliminate Harmful Bots. Real-time bot monitoring, identification, and management capabilities are provided by the solution. Determine suspicious surfing and attack trends in advance and take steps to stop dangerous bots. 
  • Superior Observability and Control. With the help of web controls, any user can act swiftly to protect their online apps with enterprise-grade security.
  • Customizable Cloud WAF. By monitoring traffic and infrastructure in real-time using a decentralized, software-defined web application delivery architecture, this feature enables always-on security with application-aware, tailored policies to fend off threats.

Webscale CloudEDGE CDN 

The most resource-intensive parts of a page are often hosted by a content delivery network, or CDN, which speeds up performance and decreases page loading time. A CDN is a key element to ensuring a flawless surfing experience for eCommerce websites with hundreds of product photos and worldwide clients accessing them using different devices and browsers. To proactively monitor and fight against new cyber threats, CDN providers must also contribute in-depth security knowledge.

Modern e-commerce websites with hundreds of product photos and international clients can be supported by CloudEDGE CDN. By selectively caching static assets and using pre-deployed Webscale code at edge nodes nearest to the requester for activities like image optimization or security against carding attacks, the solution reduces page load times. With real-time logging, customizable security policy controls, and deep application knowledge and observability, this decreases latency.

Webscale CloudEDGE PWA

To enable merchants anywhere to easily develop progressive web app sites that combine conventional website functionalities with the best mobile app features, CloudEDGE PWA simply connects with any market-proven open source or licensed PWA framework.

The solution offers numerous helpful features for both merchants and digital agencies:

  • Deliver PWA at Scale
  • Support for all PWA Stacks
  • Lighthouse Performance Metrics should be improved
  • Highly configurable and customizable tool
  • Equipped with PWA Microservices already
  • Protection against Attacks 

Every component of your infrastructure is designed to operate together effortlessly with Webscale CloudEDGE PWA, so neither merchants nor developers need to learn or set up laborious build toolchains.

WebScale Features 

We’ll now go through this platform’s key highlights. 

Cloud Delivery

By automating cloud infrastructure deployment, management, and maintenance using WebScale, the difficulties associated with traditionally hosted commerce apps are eliminated. You also gain the following advantages:

  • Auto-scaling that is limitless, real-time, and predictive for always-on stores 
  • Plans for managed service cloud delivery for all sizes of e-commerce companies 
  • Infrastructure that is properly sized for the best ROI and lowest cost without sacrificing user experience 

All-round Security 

You receive the most comprehensive security technology stack available to protect consumer data and merchant infrastructure from a wide range of ever-evolving threats. 

  • Web Application Firewall that is fully programmable
  • Real-time CSP Security
  • Managing Bots
  • Web Access Control Lists
  • Significant Security Certifications
  • Profiling sessions in real-time
  • Web Controls as well as the Webscale Portal

Rapid Performance

To improve Core Web Vitals and speed up page loads, you receive automatic website performance improvements that extend to the application architecture. 

  • Quick page loads thanks to automatic website speed improvements
  • Real User Monitoring
  • Effective full-cycle image optimization
  • Traffic Visualizer to find any code problems

PWA and Headless

Customized cloud delivery architecture for PWAs and headless storefronts allows businesses to concentrate on improving Core Web Vitals and search visibility. 

  • Deploy a single managed application, headless or PWA, in any cloud. 
  • Learn more about how performance and availability affect user experience across devices and browsers and gain comprehensive visibility into requests.

Easy Cloud Migration and Onboarding 

  • Extensive knowledge in cloud migration for Magento, WooCommerce, Drupal, Oracle, and other e-commerce platforms 
  • Thousands of stores moved, and there are yet more 
  • Grasp of e-commerce platforms and the cloud on a global and regional scale 
  • Zero-downtime deployments of new code using containers 
  • Integrations between CI/CD and popular code repositories 
  • Systems that provide themselves to avoid human mistakes during deployments 
  • Zero-touch upgrades and deployments

24x7x365 DevSecOps Support 

The award-winning support team at Webscale is the major factor in customers sticking around for a long time. You receive things like: 

  • 24x7x365 active and passive security inspection 
  • 15-minute critical SLAs
  • Facilitating seamless DevSecOps
  • Knowledge about the top e-commerce platforms.

Final Words 

We can make a few conclusions from the platform’s capabilities. The first is that WebScale provided a complete range of tools to support your organization. It is crucial to have access to tools like security, anticipatory scalability, and lightning-fast performance. The platform’s plans and offerings are appropriate for every type of business, which is the second factor. Without paying excessive prices for items you don’t require, you may select exactly what you want. In conclusion, WebScale is a practical and adaptable platform that may assist you in various aspects of your organization. Additionally, you receive the greatest assistance, which can immediately respond to your queries. 

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