One of the essential functions ecommerce merchants strive for providing to their customers is the possibility to log in using social media accounts. Unfortunately, the default Magento platform doesn’t offer such functionality, so if you want to leverage the social login feature, you need to install a reliable third-party solution. Meet the Amasty Social Login for Magento 2 – a brand new module designed to improve your customers’ shopping experience and streamline the registration process on your web store. With the Magento 2 extension, you will drastically increase customer retention and motivate visitors to shop on your website by offering more flexibility in the login process. Besides, store owners get a chance to collect vital data about their clients for further analysis.

In this review, we describe the main features and benefits of Magento 2 Social Login by Amasty.

Download / Buy Amasty Social Login Magento 2 Extension

The Amasty Magento 2 extension adds social login buttons to your website pages and provides customers with one-click registration. Simplifying registration and login processes on an online store is a way to win customers’ loyalty and involve more visitors into shopping on an ecommerce site. By letting online shoppers sign up with social media, you can drastically improve customer engagement and increase the number of registrations on your store. The ability to quickly log in via a social network also leads to more customers finalizing the checkout. That’s why the Magento 2 social media login integration module by Amasty is a necessary tool for store owners who care about building friendly relations with their clients.

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With the module, you can easily achieve your marketing goals thanks to the following features:

  • Quick registration/login via AJAX popup;
  • AJAX login popup and social buttons can be placed on the cart and checkout pages;
  • Various social login bar positions;
  • Support for the most popular social networks;
  • Option to log in via Apple ID (with add-on);
  • Import of customers’ birthdate and gender data;
  • Customizable button design;
  • Protected customer data with reCAPTCHA;
  • Quick password restoration without redirects;
  • Analysis and segmentation of customers based on the collected data;
  • Analytics dashboard;
  • Management of linked accounts in the customer profile;
  • Compatibility with the Porto theme;
  • Fully compatible with Amasty GDPR.

To provide your website visitors with login or registration in one click, you can add an AJAX popup to your store pages using the Magento 2 Social Login module. Besides login and registration pages, customers can quickly sign in using their social accounts on the shopping cart page or during checkout. Note that Social Login is compatible with Amasty One Step Checkout. Also, you decide where to place the social login bar: below, above, or in the header of a page.

To improve the user experience on your storefront, you can allow visitors to log in to your website by just clicking a social button. The Magento 2 module supports the most popular social networks, including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Amazon, PayPal, and Twitch. It is also possible to enable login via an Apple account, including Face ID and Touch ID. Note that this function is available with the Amasty Login with Apple ID add-on. This way, you provide users with a choice of the most convenient sign-up option. 

By employing the Login with Apple ID add-on on your website, you provide customers with a fast and secure login option. The Magento 2 add-on drastically improves the shopping experience on your store by allowing Apple users to create an account with their Apple account credentials. This way, you also ensure a smooth sign-up experience across all devices, allowing your web store visitors to access their accounts on both desktop and mobile with one click on the Apple login button.

With the Amasty Apple ID Login add-on’s two-factor authentication system, you show your concern about user data privacy. When using the Apple login as a sign-up option, a customer will be asked to confirm their identity by entering a unique code sent via SMS or their Apple device. At the same time, the authentication system used for the Apple login helps admins prevent fraudulent actions and understand if new accounts come from a real person or spam. 

The add-on is easy to implement on a Magento site since it only requires inserting basic credentials without doing any coding.

Download / Buy Amasty Login with Apple ID for Social Login Add-On

Furthermore, it is possible to customize the shape of login buttons to make them perfectly fit into your website design. You can choose between round, rectangular, and square shapes, depending on the number of social buttons on a page and your style preferences.

The Social Login plugin also helps collect correct and complete customer data and avoid spam accounts due to the Google Invisible reCAPTCHA function. Note that you can change the appearance and type of reCaptcha in the backend.

As for collecting customer data, store owners get access to their clients’ personal information, essential for creating a more precise marketing strategy. By installing Social Login for Magento 2, you get access to the handy dashboard with statistical data on the usage of social login buttons with a percentage ratio for each network. This way, you can understand which social media networks are the most popular among your customers and use this data for preparing your social media campaigns. The collected details also help segment clients into customer groups based on various criteria, like gender, age, country, education, profession, and others.


First, let’s see how to configure the main settings of the Magento 2 Social Login extension. The module’s configuration page can be found under Stores -> Settings -> Configuration -> Amasty Extensions -> Social Login.

Magento 2 Social Login module

In the General Settings tab, you should enable the social login button functionality to show social login buttons on your storefront. Then, decide where to place them: in the login popup; above/below customer login form; above/below customer registration form; on the shopping cart page. Next, you can choose the shape of the social login buttons: round, rectangular, or square. Here, you can also enable Ajax popup for registration and login and define the position of social buttons in the popup: top, bottom, right, or left. Besides, it is possible to set redirects to a custom URL after a customer logs in, choose to refresh the current page, or make a user stay on the current page. Note that the latest version of the extension replaces an old Redirect URL with a new one.

Then, you should configure the options for each social network separately. As we’ve mentioned above, the Social Login module supports social buttons for Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, Instagram, LinkedIn, Amazon, PayPal, and Twitch. The settings are the same for each social media network (except Apple ID): enable the appropriate social login button, insert your API Key (Client ID), API Secret (Client Secret), and set the sort order.

As for the Apple ID configuration, after enabling the appropriate login option, you should enter an Apple Team ID, Client ID, and Key ID and upload a Key file generated in your Apple Developer account. You can also set the sorting order for the Apple login button.

Magento 2 Social Login module

Amasty Social Login for Magento 2 allows importing customers’ gender from Google, Facebook, and PayPal and the date of birth from Facebook and PayPal. You can enable the relevant functions on the customer edit page under the Name and Address Options tab.

As for the analytics dashboard, it provides you with the visual elements that help to quickly identify the most popular social network. For each available social media, you can see the percentage, number of users, qty of purchased items, and spent amount in the corresponding tables at the top of the screen. On the right, there is a handy chart that displays the ratio of usage for each network and details on users’ activity with other accounts.

At the bottom of the screen, you can view the details of all your customers on the grid. The grid allows editing each customer’s profile individually and adding new customers. It is also possible to perform the following mass actions to selected users:  

  • Delete;

  • Subscribe to Newsletter;
  • Unsubscribe from Newsletter;
  • Assign a Customer Group;
  • Edit.


On the frontend, the Ajax login popup with enabled social login buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Amazon, PayPal, and Twitch looks as follows:

Note that on both login and registration forms, login buttons can be placed at the top or bottom:

If you enable the login with Apple ID option, an appropriate button will be added to the login popup window:

In the shopping cart, buttons for login with social profiles might have the following appearance:

The customer account area also gets a new tab – My Social Accounts. Here, customers can link new social media profiles and delete unnecessary ones.

Recent Updates

Magento 2 Social Login 1.8.2

  • Now the module is compatible with GraphQL.

Magento 2 Social Login 1.7.5

  • Support for the Hybridauth v3 plugin was added – the update of the Hybridauth library is required for the proper functioning of the extension.
  • Now admins are notified about the expiration of the Apple ID authorization key.

Magento 2 Social Login 1.6.0

  • Additional required fields were added to the registration form – a user will be redirected to the registration form to fill in all the required data when signing up via a social account.

Final Words

The Amasty Social Login extension for Magento 2 adds missing functionality to the default platform. It improves customer experience on an online shop by allowing shoppers to use their social media accounts for fast registration and authorization. The social login option saves your customers’ time on the sign-up process, which increases trust to your store, involves more clients in making purchases, and improves retention and engagement rates. Besides, you get vital information for analyzing your customers and developing your marketing strategy.

The price of the M2 Social Login module is $219. As for the Login with Apple ID add-on, you can buy it for $99. So, don’t miss the chance to extend your website’s possibilities and click the link below to get the extension:

Download / Buy Amasty Social Login Magento 2 Extension

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