Discount coupons are one of the best marketing strategies to decrease your bounce rates and increase conversions. Statistical data and analysis show that providing discount coupons from time to time can drastically increase traffics and conversions on your store. It can enhance the overall shopping experience for your users. There is also the possibility of people revisiting your store once they have used a discount coupon. Luckily for us, Magento 2 has a default feature that allows us to create coupons and discounts for cart or a specific category. We will also show you how you can share and apply discount using the discount coupon link. So let us learn how you can share and apply discount coupon code via link or Email in Magento 2.

Coupons Should be a Part of Every Ecommerce Marketing Strategy Here’s Why?

Here are a few reasons to include coupons in your E-commerce marketing strategy:-

  • Bring in More Customers:- As previously said, you are bound to gain more customers upon providing discounts. People are more likely to buy a product that is on some discount.
  • Minimize Ad Costs by Self Advertising:- Giving out discount coupons can help you self advertise. People are more likely to share discount coupons with friends and family. Ultimately it can help you bring down the costs in advertisements. 
  • Brand Growth:- More and better advertising means the automatic growth of your brand. People will talk about your brand more and hence the growth. 
  • Free up Storage:- You will be able to free up storage quickly since people buy products on discounts rapidly. It can also help you clear your previous stocks that weren’t selling before. 
  • Loyal Customers:- One major benefit of discounts is that you attain loyal customers and followers of your brand. They are more likely to revisit your store and purchase again.   

Steps to Create a Coupon in Magento 2

We will show you how to create a sales coupon in Magento 2.  As you may know, Magento 2 offers various inbuild marketing solutions and one of those is promotions. You can create discount coupons under promotion for a specific category, product or cart. Let us look at the step by step process. 

Step 1:- Log in to your Magento 2 admin panel. Go into Marketing>Promotions. Here you will see Catalog price rule and cart price rules. You can create a coupon specifically for one or multiple categories by going into catalog price rule and you can create custom discounts for cart using cart price rules. 

Magento 2 Promotions

Step 2:- For the demonstration purposes, we will show you by creating a cart price rule. Once you visit the cart price rules page click on Add New Rule to create your custom discount coupon for the cart. 

Magento 2 add new rule

Step 3:- Here enter the name of your discount coupon and description. Make sure the active button is set to yes. Then you can choose the websites (multiple store views) and customer groups(for eg:- general, wholesale, NOT LOGGED IN, etc.)

Magento 2 cart rule customizations

Step 4:-  Scroll down and select specific coupon for coupon and enter your code in the coupon code. You can also auto-generate the coupon code. Next, you can set the number of times a coupon can be used or the number of times a customer can use this coupon. Select the date of validity of the coupon and then set a priority.

Magento 2 create coupon code

Step 5:-  Set the priority. Priority allows you to overcome that multiple coupons do not overlap. The lower the number the higher the priority. Check RSS feed if you want to include it in the feed. Now you can set several conditions in the condition dropdown. Leave empty to apply for all products and cart values.

Magento 2 custom coupon code

Step 6:- Go into Actions Dropdown. In the apply dropdown you can select the type of discount for eg:- the percentage of the product price, fixed amount, fixed amount for the whole cart, and buy x get y free. Enter the discount amount, Max quantity, discount quantity. You can choose to apply the discount on shipping amount or set specific conditions and also include free shipping. 

Magento 2 custom discount coupon

Step 7:- Go into Labels Dropdown. You can also set labels as well as labels specific to store views. 

Magento 2 Coupon label

Step 8:- Lastly click on save to create your coupon code.      

Magento 2 save discount coupon

Sharing Discount Coupon Code Via Link or Email

It is very crucial to make sure that your discount coupon is reaching to the right audience. There are several ways you can achieve that. Create promotion banners on your store that includes the coupon code. Publish on advertisements and on social media. However, you want your coupons to reach your loyal customers. Normally a customer has to manually apply the discount code on the website. However, the checkout steps are reducing every day. Nowadays people do not want to go through several steps to complete the checkout process. They want to spend as little time as possible to complete the purchase. So you need a creative solution to help such customers. 

Magento 2 discount coupon

Those customers who visit your store frequently and purchase products deserve timely discounts. If you send personalized emails to such customers with your coupon code link then they are highly likely to visit the store and purchase your products. Luckily we have just the extension for you. Our Magento 2 apply discount coupon code via link will allow your customers to just click on the link to avail the discount on the store. They don’t have to type the discount code in the cart page anymore. It can help you create a strong bond with your customers and create loyal followers for the years to come. To get a demo for yourself please click HERE

Apply Discount Coupon Code Via Link

Please follow the steps below to set up apply discount coupon code via link:-

Step 1:- Install the Magento 2 apply discount coupon code via link extension. 

Step 2:- Login to your Magento 2 admin panel. Go to Stores>Configuration>Scommerce Configuration> AutoCoupon. Make sure to enter your license key, enable the extension, and input your custom coupon code message that will be displayed once the discount is applied. 

Magento 2 apply discount via link config

Step 3:- Go to your dashboard then go into Marketing>Cart price rules and create a new discount coupon as per the steps shown above. 

Step 4:- Now suppose we created a discount coupon “10OFF” in the previous step. Now you can apply this coupon code via the link using the format below.

 http://{{your_website_url}}/applydiscount/?code={{Coupon_code}}&redirect_url={{Url of any page on your website}} 

For example:-

Let us use our “10OFF” coupon and send it via a link to our website.

Magento 2 discount coupon URL

Once you enter the above URL in your browser the website will coupon with your custom discount message as per the configuration. 

Magento 2 applied discount coupon

During festive seasons such as Christmas, New year etc. you can send the coupon code link directly via email. So they can use it to apply discount coupon code via link without having to go through any extra steps. It will ensure your customers have an enhanced user experience on your store.

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