Today, the most popular tools for ecommerce firms are extensions and applications from third parties. Their primary goal is to make your everyday life easier and to assist you in boosting the value of your business. If you didn’t have it, you would be missing out on a lot of worthwhile and practical possibilities. As a result, industry giants like Magento, Shopify, and Shopware have their own App Stores. In this essay, we’ll examine the top 20 CRM products available for BigCommerce. A variety of alternatives, including blogs, live chats, and even FAQ, may be found here. You will be given a detailed explanation of CRM tools, including what they are, how they function, and why they are required. Let’s begin.

What is e-commerce customer service?

Simply put, customer service refers to the services you offer visitors to your website. Support, live chats, blogs, and even a FAQ system are examples of this. 

The framework for assisting customers through e-commerce platforms and throughout their life cycles is provided by e-commerce customer service. Support for online firms must take into account the particular difficulties of providing for digital consumers: 

  • Numerous requests for assistance and support 
  • Frequently asked questions about fulfillment, returns, and items 
  • In addition, you need to watch various channels and respond quickly

How do CRM Solutions work?

Let’s define it first so that we can understand it. E-customer data is gathered, stored, and analyzed using CRM systems. Anyone can take on the role of a consumer in this scenario, including partners, vendors, and buyers. As a business owner, CRM gives you

  • competitive advantages or when your global online marketplace begins to operate on the local market, etc.
  • real-time info for prompt decision-making
  • a positive consumer experience 
  • eliminating bottlenecks in the supply chain

The advantages of eCommerce CRM

Less expensive customer retention

As more employees are needed to draw in, keep, and move leads through the sales funnel, the cost of a lead rises. These expenses are eventually decreased by the marketing automation that CRM offers, enabling business owners to draw in a growing number of prospects.

Increased client satisfaction

After the CRM is put in place, all of your customer data is organized and can be utilized to create future omnichannel shopping strategies that are more precise and successful in keeping customers. Additionally, it lowers the costs associated with keeping consumers, making it simpler for you to engage new ones.

Increased sales team productivity 

Your sales team will be able to handle more fascinating tasks by automating a number of business procedures that are directly related to customer service. This will free up their time from regular, repetitive labor.

Logistics improvement 

You may improve seasonal goods delivery, reduce the risks associated with unmet demand, eliminate an oversupply of goods, and other logistical operations when you have a clear awareness of where and when the biggest customer demand for your items is present.

Best Customer Service Apps for BigCommerce

Tidio Live Chat & Chatbots

Tidio is a comprehensive customer care platform created to support the expansion of your company. You may engage with your consumers more quickly thanks to the tool’s simple combination of live chat, chatbots, emails, Messenger, and Instagram. To provide exceptional customer service and increase your sales, respond to inquiries, address issues, and interact at the appropriate time. By providing your clients with live service, you may increase trust. Ensure customers receive what they require and guarantee additional conversions for your company. Additionally, you may proactively start dialogues to upsell your goods and services by using our real Visitors List. Tidio Live Chat is 100% mobile-friendly and simple to set up. You receive such features as

  • Various channels of communication. Reduce the stress on your team by managing all communications from live chat, email, Messenger, and Instagram in a single shared inbox. To provide individualized communication that will meet your consumers’ demands, check contact information, look up prior discussions, browse the contents of the shopping cart, and add custom tags.
  • Live Visitors List. On Tidio’s Visitors List, learn who your consumers are and what they require. By initiating a live chat conversation proactively and sending a message at the ideal time, you can improve your chances of closing a sale. To personalize the topic, ask where they are from. To troubleshoot more quickly, learn what operating system and browser they use.
  • A cutting-edge widget for all websites. With plugin user-friendly, customizable widget that works with all websites, make your conversation unique. Pick a color palette that complements your brand. Choose the location and whether or not it should be shown when you are offline.
  • Real-time typing preview. Real-time monitoring allows you to see what your clients are typing and find answers before they send their messages. Prepare your response in advance to address queries and solve problems more quickly. To increase your revenue, provide first-rate customer service nearly immediately.

This app is available for free usage. Get Tidio Live Chat & Chatbots Apps for BigCommerce.

LiveChat + Customer Insight

You may respond to incoming sales and support inquiries right away with the LiveChat chat widget. By including live chat on your BigCommerce website, you may reduce the amount of time it takes to get in touch with a consumer. Simple instructions are provided for using LiveChat: a standard chat widget is located in the bottom right corner of your website. Visitors can opt to communicate with you there, or you can actively engage them by sending chat invitations. Additionally, you may utilize the widget to enable clients to sign up for your mailing list or as a contact form for offline messages. You get such functionality as

  • Cart preview of content. If the customer has already added any products to their cart, you can instantly see this with LiveChat. If so, you can view the contents of the cart directly in the LiveChat application. 
  • Product recommendations. You can offer suggestions by sending product recommendations in chat, regardless of whether your customer’s cart is empty or not. These visually appealing product previews have links that take users directly to the relevant product pages in your store.
  • Orders management. To fix problems quickly and without leaving the LiveChat app, see your clients’ order history next to each discussion.
  • Chat invitations. These enable you to start conversations when specific conditions are met; actively engage your website visitors once they arrive and provide assistance to reduce cart abandonment and increase purchases.

After a 14-day free trial, this software costs $24.00 per month to use. Get LiveChat + Customer Insight App for BigCommerce.


Over 130,000 companies in 170 countries benefit from the category-defining customer experience automation (CXA) platform from ActiveCampaign by engaging with their consumers in meaningful ways. The platform offers hundreds of pre-built automations that combine email marketing, marketing automation, CRM, and machine learning for effective segmentation and personalisation across social, email, messaging, chat, and text to organizations of all sizes. Businesses can automate really tailored experiences that seem authentic by breaking the silos that often exist between email marketing, marketing automation, CRM, and account management tools. You get such features with this plugin as

  • Automate individualized interactions with all of your customers 
  • For deeper segmentation and more successful marketing, track client preferences, behavior, and numerous custom attributes over the whole customer lifecycle 
  • Sends can be tailored based on nearly any criteria, ensuring that the intended audience is always identified for each communication 
  • Select the most appropriate content, send time, and delivery channel for each client using data from the complete customer lifecycle 
  • With little work, quickly create fully personalized campaigns, then modify your send approach in response to client behaviour 
  • No matter how big your firm develops, maintain the personalized, one-on-one experience for every customer 

After a 14-day free trial, this software costs $9 per month to use. Get ActiveCamaign App for BigCommerce.

Teams and Slack Live Chat 

You may use a Live Chat for Microsoft Teams, Webex, Zoom, and Slack with the help of this plugin. Customer interaction should be simple. Utilizing the collaboration tools you already use, chat with them. Use Microsoft Teams, Webex, Zoom, and Slack to chat with website visitors while providing excellent customer service and increasing sales. Plans allow you an unlimited number of live chat agents and monthly talks. Create a conversation that is unique to your company by adding your logo, agent images, customized pre-sales data, and programmable questions. You can obtain features like

  • Beautiful Live Chat with Native Integration for Slack. Live Chat with visitors to your website via our web dashboard or the desktop or mobile Slack app. Plugin supports mobile-optimized views, allowing customers to communicate with you directly from their smartphones and giving you the ability to answer straight away from any location.
  • All plans include unlimited live chat agents. As your business expands, you won’t need to buy more licenses for live chat agents. One live chat package with unlimited live chat support agents is provided by the app.
  • Live Chat App that Can Be Fully Customized and Supports Multiple Languages. You can include your brand’s colors and logo. Change office hours, add agent photographs, alter all default messages, and create shortcuts. You may even choose which pages your live chat application will appear on.
  • Microsoft Teams Integration. The ability to respond to consumers directly from the Teams application on desktop or mobile thanks to tight interaction with Microsoft Teams.

After a 14-day free trial, this software costs $39.00 per month to use. Get Teams and Slack Live Chat App for BigCommerce.


When your BigCommerce store and Keap app are linked, your customer and order information will be synced to your CRM and marketing campaigns. This will cause personalized, automated emails to be sent based on customer behavior, such as completed sales, requests for more information, or other engagement with your site or emails. The need for manual follow-up will be significantly reduced, if not eliminated, by automating these messages. You receive elements like

  • Link BigCommerce orders and goods to Keap. For reporting, segmentation, and follow-up, combine all of your e-commerce data in Keap. 
  • Customer data to Keap in sync. Transferring consumer information to Keap will enable you to ship electronic goods, offer useful information, or advertise relevant products. 
  • Put tags on each client. Sort your client list based on the items they bought, the categories they were assigned to, or the promo codes they used.

This app is available for free usage. Get Keap App for BigCommerce.


This plugin allows you to create an eCommerce help desk. Access your consumers quickly anywhere you sell online. Gather customer questions and order information from all of your sales channels into a single, easy-to-use interface. To help you prioritize and assign messages to your coworkers, eDesk automatically sorts incoming messages to the appropriate folders.

All of your sales channels can be integrated with eDesk, giving you a complete view of your customers and their purchase information in every message. Furthermore, eDesk examines patterns in your customer service inquiries so you may concentrate on areas that want improvement. To speed up these responses, you can view ticket volume by shop, language, and query type and create templates. This plugin costs $59 per month to use. Get eDesk App for BigCommerce.

JivoChat Business Messenger

JivoChat combines conversations, emails, calls, and Facebook messages into one program. You just need to sign up for one inbox because all of your messages and chat history are stored there. Your team can respond to all queries promptly because you don’t need to hop between apps to address enquiries on various channels. Additionally, you can double your sales by improving customer service and website conversion rates. You get such features as

  • Respond to all inquiries with one app. For your online store, JivoChat provides you with the best omni-channel business messenger. Connect your Facebook Page, Telegram, and Viber channels to receive messages from Jivo and react as soon as possible. Create a rudimentary ticketing system using a dedicated email address.
  • Track and interact with visitors to increase conversion. By engaging with them and walking them through their experience, JivoChat can help you convert visitors into paying and devoted customers. Track your visitors in real time and begin proactive or manual chats with them. Obtain specific information about them, such as their city or nation, the page they are on, how long they have been visiting, their origin, etc.
  • Design with Craft, Enhanced Productivity. The most attractive chat widget we could have made includes features that are crucial for increasing agent efficiency. You can edit and adjust the chat widget’s texts, colors, behaviors, and more. fully adaptable mobile widget. Save a draft message and use it later. Jivo will also suggest prior messages as you enter.

This application is free to use. Get JivoChat Business Messenger App for BigCommerce.


A leading collection of low-cost, simple-to-use, and customized website apps, POWR is made to support the online expansion of companies of all sizes. With code-free installation, POWR offers 60 website apps that interface with over 70 platforms. Over 12 million websites globally, including Allbirds, Acer, Staples, Estée Lauder, OneWheel, Chick-fil-A, and Crocs USA, rely on POWR’s apps to increase lead generation and conversion rates. POWR is headquartered in San Francisco and has a global team in addition to operations in Almaty. With this application, you get advantages like

  • By adding common queries and their answers to your website, you can decrease help requests 
  • On your help page, provide information on shipping, return policies, and other things 
  • To make it simple to browse through the questions, use an accordion arrangement 
  • Extend responses to your most common queries 
  • Your responses should contain text, links, pictures, and videos 
  • Select your own question icons, add hover effects, select brand-consistent colors, and more 
  • To make your FAQ searchable, add a search bar 
  • Layout for Categories in Half-Width 
  • Vote for or against answers

This add-on is free to use. Get FAQ by POWR App for BigCommerce.

HubSpot Integration by Groove Commerce 

The award-winning company Groove Commerce, which is a HubSpot Diamond Partner and a BigCommerce Elite Partner, created the HubSpot & BigCommerce Integration. Rhythmic Commerce Our team is deeply committed to the inbound marketing tenets and comes from an eCommerce-focused background. We therefore set out to create the best BigCommerce and HubSpot combination for our customers, which we are now making available to the general public. You can get features as

  • Data Syncing Automatically for Better Reporting & Customer Segmentation. Gain more understanding of your customers by automatically syncing all BigCommerce customer and order data with HubSpot’s smart lists and reporting tools.
  • Say Goodbye to One-Off Email Blasts by Creating Personalized, Triggered Emails. To tailor your messaging and raise your average client lifetime value, use newly developed HubSpot smart lists and workflows to send an endless number of triggered emails.

The cost to use this app for the first month is $99.99. Get HubSpot Integration by Groove Commerce App for BigCommerce.

ReadyCloud Suite

For your BigCommerce store, the ReadyCloud Shipping, Returns, and CRM Suite was created. Even when your workforce is dispersed across many locations, ReadyCloud enables you to handle unforeseen growth and seasonal increases. Deliver goods up to four times faster, boost customer communications automatically, and increase new customer conversions by giving customers what they want through a “Amazon-like” returns process. With ReadyCloud, you can expand and only add the services you require now and in the future without having to deal with any extra integrations or complications. You get such functionality as

  • 4x faster shipping 
  • Enhance Your BigCommerce Store with “Amazon-like” Returns 
  • Hold Your Brand in Mind 
  • Filtering in advance

This software costs $24.00 per month to use. Get ReadyCloud Suite App for BigCommerce.


Whats CRM means?

A tool known as customer relationship management (CRM) is used to handle all interactions and relationships between your business and its clients. Simple is the aim: To expand your business, strengthen your commercial contacts.

What is an example of CRM software?

HubSpot, Zendesk, and Zoho are a few analytic CRMs as examples.

What are CRM’s advantages?

A CRM can assist you in storing customer data that you can use to streamline your sales and marketing operations and enhance customer service throughout your entire organization. This data includes user activity, customer lifetime value, purchase history, and notes on sales interactions.

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