One of the biggest career challenges is getting on-demand resources to succeed in the job market. Despite the growth of the Great Resignation movement, companies have better hiring rates than a year ago. A Statista report showed a US unemployment rate of 3.6 percent in April 2022, which is 2.4 percent lower than April 2021.

The goal is to get offers with competitive salaries and work benefits. Are the best paying jobs reserved only for candidates with a college degree? No. In the article below, you’ll discover some of the professional benefits of coding bootcamps for tech students of this century.

Four Ways Coding Bootcamps Can Help You in your Career Journey

Many people still underestimate alternative education. However, the numbers speak for themselves. In the following paragraphs, you’ll see the four main advantages of coding bootcamps to succeed in the tech industry.

Instructors with Professional Experience

Learning from people who have worked at top-rated tech companies is a common experience at coding bootcamps. Most schools such as Flatiron School, General Assembly, and The Tech Academy have instructors with expertise in Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and other renowned tech companies.

Thanks to this repertoire of teachers, students have a more accurate perspective of the daily tasks in the tech industry. The content of the courses offers a real image of the work environment, the levels of demand in business, and the work tools. This educational advantage optimizes the syllabus and provides value for your professional preparation.
High Job Placement Rates
Going to school is just the first step on a career path. However, the primary goal of any student is to obtain a well-paid job offer after graduation. It may be a tall order, but bootcamps have all the tools to increase your chances of being hired.

The reputation of bootcamps depends on outcomes, admission and graduation rates, as well as job placement figures. These schools manage strict educational standards to make students the best candidates for any job interview. In the table below, you’ll see the schools with the best job placement numbers and average starting wages for grads on the market today:

Bootcamp Name Job Placement Rate Average Starting Salary
App Academy 98% $90,000 – $101,000
Coding Dojo 95.3% $76,500
Springboard 93.2% $73,522
General Assembly 90,5% $76,000
Flatiron School 86% $85,736

Be an Updated Worker

The tech industry is one of the most competitive environments in the labor market. Companies are constantly changing to optimize their services and maintain the level of innovation. If a company doesn’t embrace new trends, its popularity declines.

Versatility is a common characteristic in technology and related businesses. If you want to become a tech worker, you need a program suited to the current industry needs, and here’s where bootcamps are a great solution for this issue. Schools update the syllabus content annually based on the latest trends.

This way, if you join any career bootcamp, you’ll be working with the most up-to-date tools, software, and projects. Students are taught by industry experts and instructors with experience in the work schemes of the most innovative companies.

Learn Skills for Job Success

Technical knowledge is essential for this environment. Data scientists must master Tableau, SAS, Matlab, and Excel. While web developers must learn how to use Java, Python, Query, and Github. However, tools are only a small percentage of an employer’s goals. If you want to succeed as a job seeker, you need to optimize your soft skills.

Bootcamps know that technical proficiency is a complement to overall professional quality. For this reason, the courses include job assistance programs that help students improve their performance as employees. What can you find in the job assistance lessons? Look at the bullet list below:

  • How to write a job proposal correctly.
  • How to create a perfect resume.
  • How to build a portfolio.
  • Discuss salary agreements.
  • How to be a leader and apply critical thinking at work.
  • How to present projects and results.


There’s no exact formula to succeed in a career path. At the end of the day, the will and individual effort can get the best opportunities for you. Coding bootcamps are popular alternatives that help thousands of people earn a place in the tech industry. Take advantage of these benefits and get ready for a powerful career journey.

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