We are happy to introduce you to our new partner. Meet WebScoot – an e-commerce hosting powered by Amazon Cloud Servers. The company offers services for core e-commerce platforms, delivering top-notch performance and advanced security to both merchants and customers. 

E-Commerce Platforms

WebScoot delivers hosting services for the following core e-commerce systems:

  • Magento;
  • Woo-Commerce;
  • OpenCart.

What would a store built on one of these platforms get?

WebScoot Advantages

Below, you can see core benefits associated with WebScoot:

  • Speed. Faster websites generate more revenue. With WebScoot, you can speed up your storefront due to the optimized server stack. While your website loads faster, less customers abandon their carts. 
  • Security. Turn your e-commerce into a safe space, where malefactors have no chances to succeed. WebScoot offers intelligent scanning and proactive systems, ensuring your store is always patched and secured.
  • Availability. With WebScoot, you make your website available to visitors 24*7. The company takes care of the entire customer journey, eliminating any breakdowns.
  • Scalability. WebScoot is aimed at e-commerce websites of all sizes. Furthermore, you can start as a small merchant and update the initial plan as your business grows.
  • Support. You can get support from WebScoot at any time. There is no need to wait for working hours in the country-provider. WebScoot lets you focus on your store management duties, proactively backing your e-commerce environment so that it keeps the lights on.


WebScoot offers the following four plans: 

  • Growing. This plan costs $150 per month and includes 2vCPU, 4GB RAM, 50GB SSD, and 2TB Bandwidth;
  • Advanced. This plan costs $300 per month and includes 4vCPU, 16 GB RAM, 200 GB SSD, 3TB Bandwidth;
  • Scale. This plan costs $600 per month and includes 8vCPU, 32 GB RAM, 400 GB SSD, and 4 TB Bandwidth;
  • Enterprise. This plan costs $1000 per month and includes such features as Enterprise Setup, Load Balancers, Multi App Servers, etc.

All plans include firewall, global CDN, daily backups, and 24*7 support.

Firebear Partner Loyalty Program

Both big and small companies become a part of our family. And being a Firebear’s partner is quite easy. You can join us on mutually agreed conditions, leveraging the latest achievements and the most reliable software solutions. 

Also, note that Firebear delivers flexible partnership terms. We can easily adapt them to your business demands. Contact us to learn more about our Loyalty Program.

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