Dear friend,
We are in troubling times right now, and a lot of us are stressed and anxious. Our thoughts are with those affected by COVID-19 and their families. We hope that, above all else, you take time to take care of your health, physically and mentally.
I want to reassure you that, as a purely online platform, Codementor will not be affected by COVID-19. We’re up and running, and will continue to provide you with the support you need. If you’re looking to use this time to complete a project, sharpen your skills, or just connect with another human being, we’re here.
We’ve been encouraging our team to work from home since late January. We also took extra steps to make sure each team member is able to work comfortably at home, and explored new team activities to ensure physical distance doesn’t translate to emotional distance.
Many teams are making a similar transition right now, so we’ve put together the Remote Work FAQs in the hopes that it’ll provide you with actionable steps to take. We understand first-hand, the challenges (and benefits!) of working remotely. Especially now, please know that you are not alone, and we’re here to help in any way we can.
Last but not least, take care of yourself, remember to wash your hands, and stay kind.
If you have any questions or concerns, we’re always available at support@codementor.io.
Thank you and stay safe,
Weiting Liu & the Codementor Team
CEO and Founder
Last updated on Apr 01, 2020