khaos control magento integration
From last three months, we have been busy building Khaos fully integrated solution for one our prestigious client. We are so proud that we finished this on time and budget. Khaos Control is a Sales Order Processing software which has the following features -:

  • Stock Control
  • Purchasing
  • Accounts
  • CRM
  • Invoicing
  • Contact Management
  • Marketing and Promotions

It is a very flexible system and they have built in APIs which helps integrating with any ecommerce platform. Here is list of the major functions supported by them -:

  • Order Import
  • Order Export
  • Order Status Export
  • Stock Import
  • Stock Export
  • Product Export
  • Customer Export
  • Customer Import
  • Export Web Categories

We are going to build Magento plugin which will cover all the above features gradually. But currently we have finished major functions in our plugin ( like order import in Khaos system, stock import in Magento, stock real time check during checkout on Magento, order status import (create shipment in Magento as soon as order marked as dispatched in Khaos) and Product Import. This plugin has been written generically so can be installed on any Magento website without much time and effort.

If you have a website even if it is not built in Magento and you want to integrate with Khaos or Keystone Software system then please keep in touch with us using our contact us form and will be more than happy to help or give you right direction. Thanks.

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