The world of eCommerce is vast. Being an expert and capable of doing everything at once is almost impossible. Because of this, platforms that offer assistance and guidance in numerous facets of digital commerce are well-liked. Today, we’ll examine Rixxo, one of these platforms. Rixxo specializes in marketing services, b2b websites, digital experiences, and eCommerce web stores featuring Magento. Along with this solution, you have the chance to do custom integrations, acquire assistance with Magento-related problems, and profit from the business’s exclusive items. Today, we’ll discuss all of the capabilities that the platform has to offer in brevity and look at some unique products. Let’s begin.

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Table of contents

Rixxo: Summary

  • Rixxo is a platform that supports the growth and development of e-commerce firms
  • With this solution, you get a fantastic Order Dashboard with exciting opportunities
  • You receive full 24/7 support
  • Your Magento store may be hosted
  • You can also host a non-Magento store
  • For £15,000, Rixxo can construct a B2B Magento website in as little as two weeks
  • Additionally, Rixxo provides you the freedom to create whatever integration you desire

Rixxo: What platform is it?

The development and expansion of B2B and D2C domestic and foreign firms are the primary goals of the agency Rixxo. As we’ve already mentioned, this is a platform that can answer some of your queries about digital marketing. You can launch a store, carry out custom integration, improve SEO, or utilize Magento 2’s exclusive Order Dashboard. Additionally, you can obtain assistance or answers to your queries on their blog and in their resources section. Providing a friendly, creative, and enjoyable work environment for creative professionals, Solution helps its clients reach the highest levels of success while involving and thrilling their audiences. Let’s examine each feature in detail on its own.

Rixxo Features

The platform’s capabilities may all be broken down into different categories. The first category is Magento-specific functionality. You can work with Abode Commerce Development and B2B websites. Additionally, you can rely on Magento Hosting’s numerous options and outstanding 24/7 support. 

The second is broad opportunities for eCommerce. You can do this to start your B2B digital store or to obtain assistance with SEO.

The ODB for Magento is the platform’s final and most crucial feature. In layman’s terms, it is a versatile Order Dashboard that addresses a wide range of concerns and challenges with orders. Let’s look at each of these groups in turn.

Magento-Related Functions

As you may have observed, Rixxo is a platform focused on Magento. The solution’s primary functionality is closely related to Magento. We can explore them in greater depth.

Magento B2B

With the help of this function, you can build a feature-rich, expandable B2B Magento website in as little as 2 weeks. You get a fantastic bundle of extensions from industry leaders, Magento Open Source, and a customizable Magento B2B theme. All of this is possible because of Lumarix. The B2B theme Lumarix has a number of B2B and marketing features. Built by a team with more than ten years’ worth of experience, the B2B Magento Framework is quick to deploy, simple to expand, and reasonably priced. 

Lumarix offers hundreds of functions in a single package, is easy to set up, and can save you thousands of dollars. You are given opportunities like

  • Individual Customer Pricing. Create offers, price guidelines, and catalog pricing for each customer or business.
  • Company Accounts & Permissions. Give employees the ability to discuss order details among themselves. Create rules for the Order Approval Workflow to enable purchase authorization.
  • Quotes & POs. Allow clients to make and save quotes, sales teams to send proposals and a simplified purchase order system.
  • Integrations. Rizzo’s assortment of ERP, WMS, and Accounting Connections, as well as its highly versatile API and cloud infrastructure, provide you with the best possible start when combining various systems.
  • Speed & SEO Tools. Before going live, Rizzo makes sure your tracking codes are implemented correctly. Tools for checking speed and SEO are available in your support panel. 

And this is only a tiny portion of the features that are available to you with this plan.


You have two choices on the platform for this service’s purchase. First, the £15,000 Lumarix ATOM. The second is Lumarix Custom, which has a starting price of £40,000.

Magento Support 

Rixxo not only gives you the option to begin playing in the world of digital commerce but also supports you in doing so. The company’s Magento support team can keep an eye on their client’s websites and has a plan in place for after-hours sales. As part of the platform development process, the Rixxo team checks on your store on a monthly basis and applies security patches and updates as necessary. You can also use your Magento support time to aid in the planning of the development work if a significant version change or significant feature request is imminent.

Magento Hosting

Additionally, Rixxo offers excellent choices for hosting your Magento store. This solution is not a reseller but a referral partner for hosting. Client contracts are made directly with the hosting provider, and Rixxo receives a commission as opposed to raising the price. Furthermore, this hosting option offers features like

  • Honest Open Hosting. You receive a clear approach to hosting, setup, and providers with Rixxo. The platform can provide options to keep you in control of your domain, hosting, and access if you’ve had a terrible experience in the past.
  • Optimization & Performance. For a faster, more dependable website hosting solution, Rixxo combines the best technology, software, and procedures. Processes and setups have been carefully created to increase site speed and facilitate platform integrations.
  • Scalable Website Hosting. Applications for startups through Fortune 500 international merchants are hosted by Rixo. To guarantee that your website hosting is optimized for your budget and delivery requirements, this solution allows you the power to grow your services as needed.
  • Data security, PCI compliance. Data security for your company and clients should be a top priority. All essential libraries and programs are maintained current with regular upgrades thanks to Rixxo-managed website hosting.
  • Backups and Data Restoration. Your store is secure thanks to routine automatic backups of its code, content, and database.

B2B Marketing Services

Rixxo offers you fantastic services to launch your online store on multiple platforms in addition to working with Magento. When building your custom website on the platform of your choice, you can receive nearly the same functionality as with Magento. Rixxo offers you specialized hosting and support for your shop in a similar way.

Furthermore, Rixxo’s tried-and-true research and planning technique, Foundations, which sets up a project for success, must be mentioned. It is an excellent tool for people looking to enhance their business plan or who are having some difficulties managing an online store. You will receive the following if you use this service:

  • Demonstration of business understanding
  • Our recommendations
  • Prototype
  • Research
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Sitemap
  • Primary function user journey(s)
  • Wireframe example(s) of key content
  • System architecture diagram(s)
  • Design mockup(s)
  • Project Timeline
  • Cost estimate
  • Delivery plan

Unique Order Dashboard

Another excellent tool offered by Rixxo is the ODB or Unique Order Dashboard System. For eCommerce firms, it is a super-fast, PCI-compliant order and quote dashboard that addresses typical Mail Order/Telephone Order (MOTO) order difficulties. Additionally, you receive features like 

Related with Customers

  • Simple customer acquisition 
  • “Customer already exists” is no longer possible 
  • View client contact information 
  • Strengthens business accounts 
  • Simple business formation 
  • View active orders, drafts, and quotations

Regarding Orders:

  • Very rapid ordering 
  • Recall and save draft orders 
  • Simple margin and discount modifications 
  • Add custom items and fees
  • PCI Compliant MOTO
  • Give orders to sales representatives 
  • Increases consumer satisfaction

Product-related features: 

  • Fast and versatile product search 
  • Ignore products by Type 
  • Quickly alter discounts and prices 
  • Add remarks for each product line
  • Include unique products 
  • Use customer pricing and groups 
  • Configurable options in bulk

Shipping Features: 

  • Utilizes table rates 
  • Add a personalized shipping option 
  • Expected delivery date
  • Change orders without erasing shipment information 
  • Add specific shipping costs 

Benefits for Payments:

  • PCI Compliant MOTO
  • “Stop call recording” reminders
  • Utilize your current payment processors 
  • Change orders without erasing payment information 
  • Send customers a payment link
  • Admin-only payments 
  • Simple reconciliation of payments

The ODB Backend

Now, we will explore the backend of the Rixxo Dashboard. We are given a brief introduction to what is available when we first arrive. This is a nice option that will aid in your rapid comprehension of the plugin.

There are numerous sections in the backend. The Dashboard itself, where you can see all the order-related details, comes first.

Additionally, you may create an Order or Quote on a different page where you can enter the customer’s billing and shipping information along with specific ordering information.

You will then see a Quotes Dashboard with all pertinent information.

You also have a settings section where you may set your ODB plugin’s preferences. Here, you may see sections with different settings for General, Quotes, Custom Products, Address Lookup, and Payment.

Rixxo Integrations

You have the option to integrate one of your software with others thanks to Rixxo. Additionally, Rixxo can create a totally unique integration that no one else has ever done because they have a lot of experience merging various systems.

You can discover integration in the following examples:

  • Hubspot and GoCardless Integration
  • Adobe Commerce Cloud and Shopify Integration
  • Magento 2 and Global E Integration
  • WooCommerce and Sage One Integration
  • WooCommerce and Sage 200 Integration 

and etc. 

Rixxo Portfolio

We also wish to provide a brief illustration from the portfolio of Rixxo. Let’s take a quick look at some of their clientele and the results they could attain by utilizing this platform. 


Sanrai needed a website that showcase its brand, communicate its message, and allow visitors to browse and inquire about the medical equipment they offer. In contrast to other eCommerce websites, they wanted to focus on their content and service offerings while displaying a very small selection of products. 

Rixxo built a WooCommerce store to be used as a catalog and integrated Google services, such as analytics, location, and google tag manager, to provide Sanrai with the greatest tools possible for the job. In order to meet their needs, Rixxo developed bespoke post kinds and provided them with a robust page builder so they could create and manage their own material.


RIxxo utilized Lumarix to bootstrap the project and build the brand’s site from zero to an operational website in only a few weeks because they had a limited amount of time to launch to meet the rush around Christmas and New Year to remodel houses. To ensure that orders could be fulfilled without a hitch by the time the site went live, the WMS and fulfillment integration were then added. 


Rixxo started by thoroughly auditing the website. The platform team suggested various content and marketing adjustments and compiled a list of quick wins and possibilities for simple changes. 

The platform team revised some of the current content into an easier-to-use atomic approach as opposed to completely rebuilding it. Rixxo used our carefully chosen combination of optimization, speed, and marketing-enhancing addons and settings.


​​You can draw a decision about it after reading this brief review on this platform. Rixxo is a highly intriguing platform that might provide great expansion solutions for starting a business online. You can collaborate with any store, not only Magento-powered ones. Get assistance, high-quality hosting, or simply aid to launch your store. Nearly all of the tools that business owners like to employ are combined on the platform known as Rixxo. We advise you to visit the platform website and give it a shot.

Try Rixxo Now


What is Rixxo?

A platform called Rixxo helps e-commerce businesses expand and flourish. The main objectives of the agency Rixxo are the growth and development of B2B and D2C domestic and international businesses.

Why do you need Rixxo?

Foremost, Rixxo is a platform with a help-oriented focus. You can start a store, perform custom integration, boost SEO, or use the unique Order Dashboard of Magento 2. On their blog and in their resources section, you can also find support or responses to your questions.

What Rixxo has to provide?

It’s a huge list. You can get a special Dashboard system, Magento Support, hosting, and development from Rixxo. Additionally, you can deal with non-Magento websites and utilize SEO help. In essence, Rixxo has all of your needs covered.

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