FireBear Improved Import & Export for Magento 2 – Extension Change Log | FireBear
Improved Import & Export major update – full Google Sheets & Drive integration. Fixed price Magento 1 > Magento 2 migration service! EXPLORE
improved import and export - Magento 2 extension
Improved Import & Export for Magento 2
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Improved Import Export Magento 2 Roadmap – vote for the most exciting features and we will implement them first. Leave your suggestions in the comments and we will add them to the poll.


  • Find & Replace filters for Import jobs – allows searching for attribute values and replacing phrases or individual words or numbers with new values
  • Index management – it is now possible to choose which indices should be reindexed after the import is finished
  • Archive file after import – it is now possible to archive imported files downloaded to Magento 2 server right after the import is finished
  • Archive file after export – it is now possible to archive exported files right after the export is finished
  • Archive file before consecutive export – it is now possible to archive exported files before the consecutive run of the export job to preserve previously exported file
  • Attribute Mapping section pagination added – now every 10 rows of mapping are grouped into a page to improve the import job load speed 
  • Magento 1 product mapping preset has been reenabled and is now available
  • Improved import job pages loading speed


  • Fixed issue when trying to save a job from the job grid
  • Fixed issue where Json file type and ‘URL’ import source would receive three or more calls to retrieve the import file
  • Fixed conflict between ‘Disable products not in list’ and ‘Enabled Cache Products’, when cached products were considered as not in the list and were disabled after consecutive import
  • Fixed issue with Categories import, when ‘Use default value’ checkbox was not applied to ‘URL Key’ field after import
  • Fixed issue with adapter classes loaded through DI.xml or ObjectManager
  • Fixed issue with export jobs running automatically on Magento 2 System Events even when disabled
  • Fixed issue when export files were not available for download from Magento 2 admin panel when export job was executed from the command line
  • Password field now properly hides any input
  • Restricted use of the same file path for multiple export jobs – now every export job should have a unique destination
  • Fixed issue product import resulting in Option.php error
  • Fixed issue with REST API when using import
  • Fixed issue with undefined index issue on Import job save
  • Fixed issue when ‘Advanced Pricing’ entity files couldn’t validate on Magento 2 Cloud
  • Fixed issue with ‘Map Attributes’ section displaying attributes only for ‘Products’ entity

Table of contents


  • It is now possible to import and export jobs from one Magento 2 instance to another
  • Product URL generation by pattern is now available
  • All password fields are now properly hide and protect entered values
  • Added log message to the console to show that the product image is downloaded from the import source
  • Improvements to XSLT Translation


  • Fixed issue with the the undefined tooltip at the export job page
  • Fixed issue with the incorrect sorting of the attributes for the order entity, when only fields from the mapping feature are selected on the export job page
  • Fixed issue with importing ‘product attributes’ entity when switching from dropdown to textswatch type
  • Fixed issue with the array to string conversion, when the widgets entity selected
  • Fixed issue with importing credit memos
  • Fixed issue with the tier price update, when the percentage_value attribute updated
  • Fixed issue with the price rules creating extra rows during export
  • Fixed issue with updating product images
  • Fixed issue with the disallowed XML file format
  • Fixed issue with the ‘category’ entity validateRow when used with the required attributes
  • Fixed issue with updating URL key at the store view level
  • Fixed issue with the Allowed Errors Count setting, it now properly counts the errors
  • Fixed issue with the the incorrect export file structure, when the file format is XML or JSON, and the entity is a sales order
  • Fixed issue with the error while creating object for MagentoMediaGalleryIntegrationPluginSaveImageInformation for Magento 2.4.x
  • Changed the list of the allowed file extensions specifying which export file formats are available for download
  • Out of stock qty attribute is now added to the product attribute mapping section


  • Added functionality to update the order in which configurable product variations should be displayed at the frontend
  • Added functionality to reindex only required indices after import process is finished, instead of reindexing all indices


  • Added missing swatch attribute values into the mapping section
  • Added possibility to export tier prices for products in the same file, using custom tier price attribute of Improved Import Extension
  • Product option values are now added to the order export file
  • Fixed issue with validation errors output
  • Fixed issue with the shipment track generation
  • Fixed issue with json validation for order export
  • Fixed issue with product import process leading to 500 internal server error
  • Fixed issue with DotMailer for M2.3.3-p1
  • Fixed issue with changing XSLT templates if wrong XSLT attached not being possible
  • Fixed issue when extra fields were added to file during order export with enabled ‘Only fields from mapping’ option.
  • Fixed issue with the number of columns not corresponding to the number of rows in the header for ODS export files
  • Fixed issue with ‘category’ url not being updated for different store views
  • Removed custom options from Magento’s default __EMPTY__VALUE__ constant
  • Fixed issue with products export to GoogleSheet having a limitation if exporting more than 500 rows


  • Compatibility with Magento 2.4 Open Source, Commerce, Cloud
  • Import and export job mapping section improvements
  • You can now add product attributes to the exported file of the ‘Order’ entity for better reference


  • Use default value for “enable product” in store views
  • Fixed issue with ‘Category’ entity export for ALL STORE VIEWS in Magento 2.4.0
  • Fixed issue with ‘Product attributes’ entity export
  • Fixed issue with Issue with Magento_Inventory disable for customers then it breaks the import
  • Fixed issue with output not needed in processor
  • Fixed issue with product ‘url_key’ generation
  • Fixed issue with ‘Products’ entity when exporting ‘attribute_code’ of multiple attribute sets
  • Quick fixes for Magento Marketplace submissions, installation, and dependencies


  • Image import transferred to PRODUCT QUEUE (only for Magento 2.2 Commerce and 2.3 Open Source and Commerce versions) – Improved Import will use RabbitMQ if installed, or DB queue, to import images after the products are imported
  • Enabled Cache Products – for ‘Products’ entity you can now enable caching by row. If new rows are added to the file, or existing rows changed, only the new and changed rows will be imported. Row hashes are cached.
  • Major import speed improvements for ‘Products’ entity
  • Import categories with ‘entity_id‘ attribute as identifier – to import categories per store view with different languages, names, and paths
  • Full support of Magento 2.3.5


  • Improvement to uploader class for image.
  • Fixed issue with ‘Attribute’ entity import with the ‘Append’ behavior
  • Fixed issue with mapping of the ‘Order’ entity attributes
  • Fixed issue with logging import jobs when Email Notifications are enabled
  • Fixed issue with ‘Customers and addresses’ entity files not validating properly before import
  • Fixed issue with importing configurable products with custom logic, when links to images refer to store root
  • Fixed issue where during ‘Only update’ behavior URLs for products that have already been created were re-generated automatically if url_key attribute in the import table was empty
  • Fixed issue where bundle products were missing from the frontend after re-importing the same file
  • Fixed issue with ‘Cart Price Rules’ entity, where ‘Replace’ behavior has been adding new rules
  • Fixed issue with ‘Reviews’ entity, where after re-importing file ratings have been doubled at the frontend
  • Fixed issue with ‘Orders’ entity, where order totals were missing after re-importing a file without full attribute list


  • Added email notifications upon successful and failed import and export jobs. Notifications can include job log file up to 10Mb.
  • Added support for Json file type for export jobs
  • Added feature to generate shipment and invoice for orders when importing tracking code with the order entity – order status updates upon importing tracking codes
  • Added customer groups id validation


  • Added console error if deleting customer when he is a company admin when importing customers with ‘Delete’ behavior
  • Added store view code filter for export page
  • Added behavior ‘replace’ and fixed mapping for ‘search synonyms’ entity import
  • Added ‘skus’ field validation
  • Temporary files are now properly removed after export
  • ‘Stock Sources’ entity is no longer displayed if module ImportExportMsi is not installed
  • PHP 7.0 – removed protected constants as those aren’t allowed in
  • Fixed issue with undefined variables
  • Fixed issue with SQL column count error
  • Fixed undefined variable warning
  • Fixed issue with date format when saved for special_price_from_date being saved wrong
  • Fixed issue with exporting XLSX and ODS files to FTP and SFTP
  • Fixed store view code filter of export page for CE
  • Fixed issue with validating customer’s address entity if same entity id is at another customer. Error is not properly displayed in the log.
  • Fix missing data for column ‘category_ids’ when exporting products with mapping, and added column ‘category_ids’ when exporting products without mapping
  • Fixed issue with importing product for various store view codes
  • Fixed issue with behavior ‘replace’ for ‘quotes’ entity
  • Fixed issue with behavior ‘replace’ for ‘search terms’ entity
  • Fixed issue with preparing entity name for console output
  • Fixed issue with ‘id’ column for ‘search terms’ entity
  • Fixed issue with exporting advanced pricing with mappings enabled
  • Fixed issue with ‘reviews’ entity export removing extra data
  • Fixed issue with ‘widget’ entity export remove extra data
  • Fixed issue where the review published date was not imported properly


  • Added support of entities limitation count for product export


  • Fixed issue where product categories value has been exported empty
  • Method made public in ModelExportProduct.php for add-on attachments


  • Export process speed improvements
  • Added new entity Newsletter Subscribers (read more)
  • Added new import and export source Google Drive (read more)
  • Added export to Google Sheets (read more). It is now full circle integration.
  • Added filter by store view for entity ‘CMS blocks’
  • Now, when importing categories and url_key и url_path attributes are empty or missing the category URL is automatically generated using name attribute


  • Fixed issue where replace behavior with entity ‘Orders’ has been adding new orders
  • ‘Remove current mappings’ selector now properly clears attribute values
  • Fixed issue with entity ‘Orders’ filter by SKU not importing proper data
  • Fixed issue where you could import entity ‘Catalog Price Rules’ with only a single attribute
  • Fixed issue where product attributes couldn’t be allocated to proper store view after the import
  • Fixed issue where all filters for entity ‘Catalog Price Rules’ were of the ‘text field’ type
  • Fixed issue with opening jobs with FTP and SFTP import sources
  • Fixed issue with custom_theme_value not being imported properly for ‘CMS Page’ entity
  • Fixed issue where the success message has been missing after importing ‘Catalog Price Rules’ entity
  • Fixed issue where it has not been possible to import XLSX file with source ‘Direct URL’


  • Fixed issue with the number of products being different after exporting and re-importing
  • Added improvement to product URL key generation on import
  • Fixed issue with downloading an exported file if the REST API source is selected
  • Added improvement to product image uploads from external URLs, now the Import properly checks if images already exists by filename
  • Fixed issue where importing bundle products with dynamic price wouldn’t set the product price to dynamic
  • Added ‘attribute set’, ‘store id’ and ‘group:name’ filter for Product Attributes export
  • Fixed issue with deleting mapped attributes from the Map Attributes section
  • Added improvement for the category URL key generation if the entity with the same URL key already exists
  • If store view field for Products is empty or missing in the imported file, the admin value will be assigned to it automatically
  • Custom URL rewrites are now properly validated when generating URLs for imported categories
  • Added correct reset data for filters


  • Images for swatch attributes can now be uploaded via ‘Attribute’ entity
  • Added option to resize product images after the import process, for cases when watermarks are enabled in Magento 2 Enterprise. Uses native Magento 2 libraries and can use additional library found in the manual.
  • Product video URLs from YouTube and Vimeo can now be included inside product image attributes


  • Free Migration Add-on improvements – disable Magento 2 Enterprise and Cloud staging preview when migrating to avoid errors
  • Fixed issue with JS showing import job features when wrong entity selected
  • Fixed issue with export product grid sometimes breaking
  • Fixed compilation issue with Magento 2.2.x
  • Fixed issue with directory separators if the filename is not followed by the slash
  • Fixed sql issue with Magento 2 Enterprise and Cloud instances for entity ID columns
  • Fixed issue with creating Configurable Products and image copy
  • Fixed issue with empty import source when any platform is selected for import
  • Fixed issue with decoding transaction additional_information in json format. The unnecessary decoding has been removed
  • Numeric validation for attribute code has been added to Attribute entity import


  • Added new entity Catalog Price Rules import and export
  • Excel files can now fetch sheets through other sources


  • Fixed issue with php 7.3.11 breaking on using continue in switch statements
  • Widget entity import and export format updated
  • Fixed issue with saving attribute_set_id for eav_attribute_group table
  • Fixed issue with category name not exporting store view level
  • Fixed issue with file path field missing in import jobs
  • URL key now properly cleared with ‘Only Update’ behavior
  • Fixed issue with configurable product with values like 0 or 00


  • PHP 7.3.11 support for Magento 2.3 added. Issue with breaks on using continue in the switch statement


  • PHP 7.3 full support
  • Full compatibility with Magento 2.3.3 versions
  • Timestamp added for each log entry
  • Added a selector allowing to remove product associated images from the server to free up server space, if import constantly imports new images
  • Widget import rework to include all attributes


  • Added custom Search terms mapping
  • Added custom Search synonyms mapping
  • Added Remove all address association checkbox for Customer addresses import. Firstly remove all addresses when customer addresses import
  • Fixed issue with ‘Search Synonyms’ import if mapping default value is empty
  • Fixed all filters for export jobs
  • Fixed Search Terms export issue with filters
  • Fixed issue with Map Attributes Default value for all rows and empty rows
  • Fixed form break when category id is not found
  • Fixed import remote images issue
  • Fixed issue with importing attributes to General group
  • Fixed Categories import ‘replace’ behavior
  • Fixed Reviews import ‘replace’ behavior. ‘Replace’ must add nothing, only replace existing reviews
  • Fixed issue with export folders couldn’t be created for some systems
  • Fixed issue with permissions for newly created folder while exporting
  • Fixed issue with exporting to FTP recursively creating a folder
  • Fixed issue with ‘cart price rules’ entity hanging the page when edit job on Magento 2.3.3
  • Fixed View History – when two or more job tabs are open in the browser
  • Fixed issue with HTTPS type image URLs import
  • Fixed error on import building address information based on customer information if missing
  • Fixed if ‘isset’ category_position not adding products to the proper category
  • Removed duplicates for attribute mapping
  • Defined variable for uploader
  • SFTP will now properly create a new folder if the folder does not exist
  • Improved ‘Root Category’ selection
  • Improved downloadable products import
  • Extension details link was removed from the extension menu
  • Configurable Products custom logic has been moved to function based


  • Added URL rewrites entity for import and export
  • Added Widgets entity for import and export
  • Added Product Reviews entity for import and export
  • Added Catalog Search Terms entity for import and export
  • Added Search Synonyms entity for import and export
  • Added Gift Card entity for import and export (Magento 2 Commerce/Cloud only)
  • Added Page Hierarchy entity for import and export (Magento 2 Commerce/Cloud only)
  • Added Visual Merchandise – product category position attribute – import and export
  • Added possibility to ‘disable’ products in your Magento 2 if they are not in the imported table
  • Added support for multisheet Excel XLSX files – you can select the sheet to import from
  • Added possibility to specify the URL path to images in the Image File Directory field in addition to FTP path
  • Added new cron group to register import or export job crons in the same group
  • Dropbox source improvements: folder select, whitespaces in filenames, latest file
  • Change cron group for dynamic cron handling.
  • Upsell and Crossell products can now be removed on import completion
  • Categories can now be imported and exported per store view
  • Attribute option values can now be deleted during import
  • Attributes can now be imported and exported for specific store view


  • Fixed issue where products would export for all store views instead of default only
  • Fixed issue where the images with the same filename were uploaded to the server
  • Fixed issue with attribute option values not imported for particular store views
  • Fixed issue with the order export where the extension log wouldn’t give proper error
  • Fixed issue with product import exception generate_url
  • Fixed change format curl-request in Dropbox.
  • Fixed issue where default attribute value could be deleted
  • Fixed unserialized error in the job form
  • Fixed issue where date filters wouldn’t work for order export
  • Fixed issue where downloadable products wouldn’t import on schedule, only manually
  • Fixed issue where rice rules were not applied for existing products (added categories to price rule conditions)
  • Fixed issue where long XSLT code was preventing the jobs from editing
  • Fixed issue where all file validation errors were cleared
  • Fixed undefined error when importing Advanced Pricing
  • Fixed issue with exporting customer addresses with invalid _website attribute
  • Fixed wyomind integration class definition
  • Fixed issue with pipe separator for varchar attribute changed to ‘comma separated’
  • Fixed issue where configurable products with only a single variation couldn’t be created
  • Fixed issue with Text Swatch attribute type import, if there was a change in description new value were added
  • Fixed issue with Text Swatch exporting admin value instead of admin description
  • Fixed issue with Categories import with ‘/’ as a separator breaking category pathing for CSV files
  • Fixed issue with pipe separator changing to comma for CSV files
  • Fixed issue with Product Attributes import with ‘0’ value
  • Fixed issue with attributes mapping unable to set default value to ‘0’
  • Fixed issue with Advanced Pricing importing only the last value in the row
  • Fixed issue with saving export jobs with undefined filter resulting in js error
  • Fixed issue with ‘Import source’ field sometimes missing values on first job loads
  • Fixed issue with ‘additional_attributes’ column not being removed when ‘Divide additional attributes’ setting enabled
  • Fixed issue with importing Magento 1 payment information converting serialize data to json
  • Fixed issue with simple products not being attached to grouped products during import
  • Fixed issue with ‘Replace’ behavior sometimes giving console error during job execution
  • Fixed issue with the Product entity import giving ‘url is not unique’ error with ‘replace’ behavior
  • Fixed issue with SOAP API file validation
  • Fixed issue with Advanced Pricing export job exporting not all price data
  • Fixed issue with the export jobs exporting data for all store views if no store view has been selected
  • Fixed issue with setFinishedAt function called before import process is finished
  • Fixed issue where product image and status were not imported if attribute mapping has been enabled
  • Fixed issue with line breaks when exporting text areas
  • Fixed issue with date and time filters for export jobs sometimes functioning improperly
  • Fixed issue with Map Attribute sections sometimes deleting incorrect mapping row
  • Fixed issue with ‘replace’ behavior adding new entities for Customers and Category entities
  • Fixed issue with not working Category Level Separator
  • If image is not found the proper message is now displayed in the extension log and console
  • Depending on the selected entity, some of the options are not properly hidden
  • Updated file validation criteria when importing Product Attributes
  • For importing product attributes added an error message if the attribute_set (required attribute) is empty
  • Missing attributes have been added to Map Attributes section for ALL entities
  • Store view selector is now properly displayed only for the entities that support multiple store views
  • Updated sample files in both GitHub and Master Table Google Sheet
  • Swatches attribute type values can now be properly imported with additional_attributes column
  • Refactored export model configuration, merget config from config.xml and di_export.xml
  • EntityInterface implemented into the export models
  • Split database setup is not properly supported for Order entity
  • Implemented retry functionality when deadlock mysql error occurs
  • Magento Order Management is now proprely supported
  • Configurable products from Magento 1 MagMi CSV tables can now be properly created in Magento 2
  • Import job and console log now properly display error message if the product has empty SKU value
  • Products are now exported page by page to avoid timeout issue


  • Speed improvements when importing and exporting huge data files
  • Speed improvements for loading collections
  • Files for the jobs can now be uploaded using API
  • Added selector to Remove all assigned categories from existing products before import job execution
  • General extension code improvements
  • Magento 2 Page Builder is supported by CMS blocks and CMS pages entities


  • Fixed all installation issues under different conditions
  • Removed ‘Magento 2’ attribute mapping preset
  • Improved file validation from FTP and SFTP sources
  • Fixed issue with XLSX files having incorrect column count resulting in not all entities imported
  • Fixed issue with grouped products ‘catalog_product_relation’ attribute not being read properly
  • Fixed issue with URL rewrites not being saved on product URL change during import
  • Fixed issue with fatal error being displayed when products had duplocate url_key’s
  • Fixed issue with filter section breaking upon adding new filters
  • Fixed issue with filter and map attributes sections not being displayed for some entities
  • Fixed issue with replace behavior not working with ‘order’ entity
  • Fixed issue with category mapping section sometimes hanging the page when there are too many entries
  • Fixed issue with import job giving ‘Please make sure attribute “name” is not empty’ for no reason
  • Fixed issue with use_product_image_for_swatch attribute when swatches option enabled
  • Fixed issue with configurable product thumbnail image not updated properly
  • Fixed issue with exporting orders with ‘Only attributes from mapping’ option enabled
  • Fixed issue when simple products with custom options caused orders to give ‘Submit shipment’ error
  • Fixed issue with exporting bundle products using ‘;’ as multi-value separator giving error messages
  • Fixed issue with importing products with mapping sometimes giving exception errors
  • Proper error message is now displayed when product_type attribute is missing from product import file
  • Fixed issue with B2B add-on when exporting quotes into XLSX file types
  • Fixed issue with B2B add-on with products not being removed from the quotes (abandoned carts)
  • Importing products no longer puts products out of stock by default (Magento 2 heritage)
  • Fixed issue with import jobs permanent loading screen on first load
  • Fixed issue with validating ‘Customers and addresses’ files
  • Fixed issue for CMS blocks import job validation errors on attribute mapping
  • Fixed issue with deleting all products giving 500 error
  • Fixed issue with Map Attributes section behavior when deleting mapped attributes
  • Fixed issue with Shopify products sometimes missing images after import when migrating to Magento 2
  • Fixed issue with broken Map Attributes section block
  • Fixed issue with switching entities caused the link to the file to stay
  • Fixed “can’t save job” issue
  • Fixed issue with ‘Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined’ error
  • Fixed issue with file validation in native Magento 2 import
  • Fixed issue with ‘delete’ behavior removing not all products
  • Fixed issue with root category in the imported file causing issue with categories import
  • Fixed issue with validating Json file types
  • Fixed issue with editing import job with entity ‘orders’ giving an exception error
  • Fixed issue with ‘The import was successful’ message missing from the log
  • Fixed issue when exporting products without url_key attribute
  • Fixed issue with downloadable products not being imported if the job runs automatically
  • Fixed issue with Typeof verification
  • Fixed issue with attribute options not being imported sometimes
  • Fixed issue with ‘Advanced Pricing’ not being imported properly
  • Fixed issue with ‘Customer finance’ file validation


  • Adjustments to the extension’s backend menu
  • Added Rest API and an export source
  • Added input of a range of values for the filter by price. Range added with a hyphen, e.g. 10-60 or 0-25
  • Implemented unification of filter values for a fixed price and a percentage discount
  • Added support of removing old categories of the configurable products created on the fly
  • Added the ability to add related, cross-sells or up-sells products to “Custom logic for creation of configurable products” – such products are added automatically from the similar attributes of the first simple product in the table
  • Improved export speed by avoiding extra data download


  • Fixed issue with export filters for entities: CMS blocks, CMS pages, Attributes
  • Fixed issue with validation of the incorrect product_type value
  • Addressed potential issues with the behavior ‘Only Update’ when ‘Remove Product Website‘ feature is enabled
  • Fixed issue with ‘bundle_type’ attribute import
  • Fixed Magento 2 issue with undefined index (
  • Fixed issue with broken mapping section design
  • Fixed issue with Advanced Pricing export filters displaying only product attributes
  • Fixed issue with Map Attributes section not displaying for particular entities
  • Fixed issue with missing job sections when conflicting with third-party software
  • Added valuesForOptions for all supported entities
  • Fixed issue with category url_key
  • Fixed issue with catalog_product_relation
  • Fixed issue with category use_default getting removed on category update
  • Changed the algorithm for generating a request for sample of data in accordance with the set values of the selected filters
  • Fixed issue with SOAP options not being accept while making the call.
  • Fixed issue with native Magento 2 import validation
  • Fixed errors when importing orders
  • Fixed issue with the save_rewrites_history product attribute saving after import
  • Fixed empty values for Virtual Swatch and Text Swatch attribute options
  • Fixed issue with XLSX file having empty rows
  • Fixed issue with replacing orders during import
  • Fixed issue with ‘Remove Product Categories’ option interface class
  • Fixed issue with filename issue in the url
  • Fixed issue with displaying error messages when running export jobs from the console
  • Fixed issue tire_prices column having extra spaces
  • Fixed issue with JSON parsing finding first array
  • Fixed issue with applying ‘Multiple Value Separator’ setting in import jobs when importing grouped products using “associated_skus” column
  • Fixed issue with fieldset visibility issue on the import job form
  • Fixed issue with attribute value mapping when API returns an array
  • Fixed typo error in source_types.xml


  • Huge product import speed improvements: memory overflow was fixed, custom options import was refactored
  • Added feature to remove images for both simple and configurable products during import


  • Fixed issue when only first custom option was validated while product import
  • Fixed customer address import issue. When a file format is ODS
  • Fixed issue with import XSLX file. When a file contains empty cells for the last column
  • Fixed issue with Allowed Errors Count option. When Validation Strategy is Stop on Error
  • Fixed issue show map fields of advanced pricing
  • Fixed issue show filter fields of advanced pricing
  • Empty user agent parameter issue during export an image from CDN
  • Fixed issue with custom options import. When the Map Attributes feature is used


  • Remove existing categories from imported products and assign only the categories from the imported file
  • Remove existing store views from imported products and assign only the store views from the imported file
  • Import product categories by IDs with categories_id attribute (categories should already exist at the store)


  • Added support of increment_id for importing customer addresses, which gives the ability to update existing addresses
  • Added support for query type image URLs
  • Added UrlKey Manager to check existing product URLs
  • Removed extra whitespaces from REST api for JSON options
  • Issue with Magento 2.2.7 History Model defined as private in parent class
  • Issue when the row does not contain complete information about product custom options
  • Issue with mapping same attribute with different system attributes
  • Issue with additional images multivalue separator. Added a condition to check for the previous version
  • Foreign key issue when using ProxySQL
  • Issue with absolute path of хml file (magento 2.1.8)
  • Issue with ‘category’ and ‘product_websites’ attributes for products not exporting when multiple store_views are selected
  • Issue with fresh installation of the extension
  • Issue with importing a single product in several bunches
  • Issue with swatch option update during product import procedure
  • Issue with importing bundle products in Magento 2.1
  • Issue with the stop on error option during the import process
  • Issue with directory separator in the export file path


  • Magento 2.3 support added


  • Issue with cron expression is not set
  • Issue when the row does not contain complete information about custom options
  • Custom columns were added to the System Attribute drop-down in ‘Map attributes’ block
  • Remove extra whitespaces from xml import form definition
  • Issue with bundle product attributes: price_type, sku_type, weight_type
  • Added validation of the field “custom_layout_update”


  • Magento 2.3 support added


  • Issue when importing empty attributes ‘available_sort_by’ and ‘default_sort_by’
  • Issue with duplicated options
  • Issue when importing orders with empty country_id
  • Issue with “Clear Attribute Values” option
  • Issue with import of customers and addresses
  • Issue when replacing products: Invalid value for Attribute Set column (set doesn’t exist?)
  • Issue when simple products are not attached to configurable
  • Compilation issue: Incompatible argument type. Magento compiler allow only one parent::__construct() calls


  • Map Attributes – Apply Default Values to – decide if default value should be applied to empty or all rows
  • Attribute value mapping – decide which exact attribute values you want to update, paste them and the new value
  • Root Category – select root category to reference category paths in the import file
  • Round prices and special prices – automatically adjust prices to .99 or .49 whichever is closer
  • Export job event system – whenever the Magento 2 event happens the job is automatically executed
  • Attribute set update – an additional product attribute which defines if the existing product’s attribute set should or should not be updated
  • Configurable product custom logic – copy simple product attributes for configurable – now you can copy selected attribute values of the simple products to configurable product


  • Simple custom options are not imported properly
  • Issue with ‘Category Levels separated by’ setting
  • additional_attributes attribute missing in the attribute mapping column
  • Issue with Only Update behavior importing stock values
  • Issue with text swatch attribute displaying as a dropdown
  • Fixed Product Tax issue with updating existing products
  • Job page loading speed improved
  • Imported configurable products are no longer automatically put in stock after import
  • Configurable products are no longer created if there are no variations or a single variation
  • Issue with importing products with the same URL key creating multiple products
  • Updated links to the sample files inside import jobs
  • Issue with product export missing bundle and downloadable attributes
  • Issue with downloadable product links not being updated on import
  • Issue with filter conditions
  • Issue with checking for existing SKUs in the database
  • Issue with customer composite entity type import
  • Issue with exporting products with ‘Divide Additional Attribute’s option enabled
  • Added support of Excel XLSX file format
  • Added support of OpenOffice ODS file format
  • Added support of REST API  – XML files with XSLT templates and custom Json files
  • Added support of SOAP API – XML files with XSLT templates and custom Json files
  • Added improved Json file compatibility
  • Added new entity Product Attributes – now all attributes, attribute sets and groups can be exported and imported to Magento 2
  • Added consecutive export procedure – the export jobs can now remember already exported entities and export only NEW entities added since the last run
  • Export date and time can now be added automatically to the file name
  • All files from the specified folder can now be imported in a single job
  • Swatch attribute values, both color and image, can now be imported along with products
  • Default product variations of Improved Configurable Product extension can now be imported
  • Added compatibility with the following third-party extensions:
    • MageWorx Advanced Product Options
    • MageStore Inventory Management
    • Wyomind Advanced Inventory
    • MageDelight Price per Customer
  • Added order import and export
  • Added support of Json file import
  • Added custom field for attribute mapping
  • Added reset mapping button
  • Added support of XSLT transformation for XML file export
  • Added support of XSLT transformation for XML file import
  • Addressed cannot import conditions for CartPriceRules issue
  • Addressed cannot add categories in mapping issue
  • Addressed cannot add tier prices issue
  • Addressed cannot change name of category for different stores issue
  • Addressed change CSV for Export Orders issue
  • Addressed cannot change mapping categories issue
  • Addressed cannot add new values for attribute issue
  • Added Categories import and export
  • Added category mapping
  • Dozens of import / export mapping & filters fixes and improvements
  • Bugfixes
  • Added Shopify migration mapping preset
  • Added price adjustment rules for imported products
  • Added CMS pages import
  • Added Cart Price Rules import
  • Big fixes
  • Full support of Google Sheets, Import Jobs can target Google Sheets as a source;
  • Google Master Table for quick introduction to import procedure;
  • Tier prices can now be imported along with the product catalog in a single column;
  • Language/locale settings per Import Job;
  • Models refactoring according to Magento marketplace Extension Quality Program;
  • Create configurable products on the fly;
  • Custom logic for creating configurable products;
  • Fixed product tax import;
  • Dozens of import / export mapping & filters fixes and improvements
  • Added hardvalue for the Entity field;
  • Adjusted values for fields of the bundle products;
  • Added possibility of automatic reindex after import;
  • Improved import process in Magento 2 administrator area, now it is possible to handle huge import jobs from the browser;
  • Logs to console via administrator area;
  • Adjusted area code in the console;
  • ‘Only update’ behavior added to Import Jobs;
  • New fields for the Export filters.
  • Full Magento 2.2 , 2.2.1 and 2.1.10 – Open Source (Community), Commerce (Enterprise) and Cloud Editions support
  • general refactoring
  • add export jobs similar to import jobs with mapping
  • refactoring and improvements for import mapping
  • hardcoded values / default values on mapping export
  • Magento 1 pre set for import jobs
  • export orders jobs with mapping and filters
  • add file validation on import job
  • advanced pricing import performance issue
  • filtering for export for all entities by attributes
  • interaction for default values when should be unique , x1, x2 etc.
  • default / hardcoded value suffix & prefix
  • detailed logging
  • sample files included to extension pack & download from manual
  • unzip / untar file before import
  • upload CSV directly to import job on import form (in web browser)
  • Fixed bugs:
    • Fixed an issue where strategy validation did not work with value “skip on entries”
  • Restructured code for form of Import Jobs:
    • Form at style of Accordeon *Add features:
    • Add inline edit for field Cron in Grid
    • Add validate of file after entered data for file
  • Add Export Jobs:
    • Add grid
    • Add form
    • Add commands
    • Add crontab
  • Bugfixes
  • Code cleanup
  • Downloabale products import fixes
  • Categories import fixes and improvements
  • Magento 2 Cloud edition specific fixes
  • Implement custom mapping for product import
  • Import from FTP , SFTP , URL
  • Import from Dropbox
  • Performance and security tests and improvements
  • Product Attributes on the fly import from CSV file
  • Import product attributes on the fly
  • Import categories from dedicated CSV file
  • Import jobs achitecture development
  • Import cron automation implemented

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