Magento 2 is an ever-growing e-commerce platform used by thousands of businesses and customers every day. If you want your store to do well in the competitive market then you need to make sure that your store has the latest features and functionality. How do you do that? By installing new plugins. Do not worry you need not go anywhere to look for them. We have compiled a list of the top 10 Magento 2 extensions of 2021 to help grow your business. All of these plugins will aid you in making your store feature reach and stand atop in the competitive market.   

10. Magento 2 Cancel Order By Customer on the Frontend

Enrich your store with the cancel order functionality using these extensions. It gives your customers the ability to cancel an order from the frontend within a given time frame. This feature is a must-have for all e-commerce stores. Customers feel a let down if there’s no option to cancel the order from their end. Now you can give them the option with this extension and collect valuable data such as reasons for cancellation that will help you know your customers much better.

Feature Highlights

  • Ability to cancel an order from Frontend
  • Option to set a minimum time for order cancellation
  • Collect data such as the reason for cancellation or comments
  • Notification is sent to both customers and store owner
  • Simple to use interface
  • Update order status automatically 

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9. Facebook Conversion and Audience Pixel Tracking

Facebook marketplace is a great place to take your e-commerce business to new heights. There is a huge number of people who use Facebook on a regular basis. So if your products are available on Facebook then you will have a higher chance of gaining more customers. Magento 2 Facebook Conversion and Audience Pixel tracking will install Facebook Conversion and audience pixel tracking on your website with only a few clicks. It will enable you to analyze your store’s performance on Facebook Analytics. 

Feature Highlights

  • Installs Facebook Conversion Tracking on your store
  • Installs Audience Pixel Tracking on your store
  • Installs Conversion Pixel Tracking
  • Supports previous Audience Pixel tracking
  • Boost conversions exponentially

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8. Dynamic Sale Category

There is a new trend in the e-commerce industry to display all of the promotions and offers on one page to make it easy for customers to view them. Magento 2 Dynamic sale category is one of the best extensions that can automatically pull all promotions and offers on one sales page. It also supports layered navigation and pagination. Now you do not have to manually put each product on sale onto one page. This extension will automatically do that for you. 

Feature Highlights

  • Automatically display sale products with special prices on one page
  • Option to Enable/Disable the sales page from the navigation
  • This extension pulls all the products from catalog price rules to one page
  • You won’t have to manually add or remove products
  • Option to exclude certain categories from pulling up products on the discount page
  • Option to include layered navigation and pagination

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7. Adwords Google Dynamic Remarketing Tag

Make your products and pages known to Google by installing Adwords Dynamic Remarketing Tag on your Magento 2 store. This extension will help you install dynamic remarketing tags, remarketing tags, and google Adwords on various pages of your website such as home, product, category, cart, search, etc. Dynamic remarketing tag helps in showing ads for the product to customers that they have previously looked at. Showing similar ads can increase conversion rates as customers are more likely to purchase a product that they had previously wanted. 

Feature Highlights

  • Install Dynamic Remarketing Tag on various pages of your store
  • Install Google Adwords on various pages of your store
  • Install Remarketing Tag on various pages of your store
  • Increase sales and boost conversions
  • Decreases bounce rates
  • Enables you to optimize your pages as per Google recommendation

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6. Data Feed for Google, Amazon, Facebook

It is crucial that your products have a greater presence on search engines such as Google and Facebook. Magento 2 product data feed for Google, Amazon, Facebook will allow you to create data feeds for your store regularly. It can automatically generate feeds based on the time set in cron. Furthermore, you can customize the format of your feed and add custom information as well. This extension will help you create feeds in various formats such as XML, JSON, TXT, etc. Now create unlimited feeds with just the click of a button.   

Feature Highlights

  • Create any number of feeds as per your requirement
  • Ability to include/exclude child product links in the feed
  • Category mapping for Facebook and Google
  • Pre-built feed templates 
  • Ability to add or remove any option from the feed template
  • Add attribute text/label in your feed
  •  Ability to create search engine specific feeds

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5. Associated or Linked Product Stock Update

Managing stocks and inventory is always hectic for any e-commerce store owner. Magento 2 Associated or Linked Product Stock update can greatly reduce your workload. Now you can link multiple products to a single product and manage stocks immediately. If one product is purchased then the stock for all other products will be updated automatically. 

Feature Highlights

  • Ability to link or associate multiple products
  • Link products stock gets automatically updated on purchase
  • Link multiple products to one product
  • Automatically sync product stock upon shipment
  • Automatically sync product stock upon manual update
  • Automatically sync product stock upon refunds
  • It can also match your online stock with your inventory
  • Store owners can easily manage their inventory with the accurate data provided by this extension

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4. Advanced SEO Suite

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) has become one of the key pillars of eCommerce Stores. It is crucial to do the SEO of your store because without it your store won’t be ranked higher on Google Search. There are a number of ways by which you can improve the SEO of your Magento 2 store but doing them one by one is both times consuming and hectic. That’s where Magento 2 Advanced SEO Suite can help you. It will minimize your efforts and help improve SEO quickly. This extension is a complete package containing various plugins related to SEO. 

Feature Highlights

  • Adds Canonical URL features to your store
  • Option to add or override canonical URL tag on various pages such as category and product
  • Adds site map exclusion features(ability to exclude or include certain pages from Google Site Map)
  • Adds Rich snippet ( structured data in HTML to improve search engine results)
  • Adds SEO Catalog URL ( Resolves duplicate content issue and helps you set unique product URLs across the entire website)
  • Adds alternate HREFLANG Tags ( Extremely useful for multi-regional and multilingual stores)
  • Adds Cross-Linking SEO ( helps you build internal and external links and also improves the navigation across the store)

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3. Google Page Speed Optimizer

Every e-commerce store needs to be fast. As a matter of fact, every website needs to be fast because the average viewer has a very short attention span. Any delay in the loading of pages or products can result in increasing bounce rates. Magento 2 Google Page Speed optimizer is capable of increasing the page speed on your stores tremendously. This extension is an all in one package of several extensions that add to increase your site speed. It does so by optimizing the images, structure, and code of your Magento 2 store. 

Feature Highlights

  • Increase sales and conversion rates
  • Decrease bounce rate
  • Compress all images on your store including the category and product pages
  • Lazy load images to increase the loading speed of pages
  • Includes cache warmer that can timely update your cache for improved speeds 

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2. Google Tag Manager Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking

Magento 2 Google tag manager enhanced e-commerce tracking extension will implement universal analytics and Magento 2 GA4(Google Analytics 4) on your store. It also integrates other tracking such as Facebook Pixel, Google Remarketing, Facebook Conversion, and more. You can directly import tags and variables in Google Tag Manager using the file provided with the extension. The extension is very easy to set up and use. 

Feature Highlights

  • Integrates Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4(GA4) on your Magento 2 store
  • Integrates Google Remarketing and Google Adwords
  • Integrates Facebook Conversion, Facebook Pixel, and many more. 
  • Directly import all the tags and variables in Google Tag Manager
  • Adds data layer code on the website for several tracking. 
  • Track the exact path a user takes down to the checkout 

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1. GDPR Compliance: Anonymisation of Transaction Data

If you are an e-commerce store owner from Europe then you must be aware of the new GDPR guidelines and regulations mandatory for every store. Magento 2 GDPR extension will adhere to all the data protection guidelines as per EU. It implements notification for Cookies, data deletion, data export, and also anonymizes the sales data. There are tons of other great features that will help you expand your business in Europe.  

Feature Highlights

  • Adds Cookie notification and selection to your store
  • Ability to anonymize and delete customers data
  • Custom cookie policy bar
  • Record all the consents of your customers while adhering to the EU’s Guidelines
  • Ability to customize the text of cookie notification

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Some Bonus Extensions

Product Shelf Life

Organizing inventory is imperative for every e-commerce store. Because you do not want to serve expired products to your customers right? Quality control must be maintained for customer satisfaction. Magento 2 product shelf-life extension can help you create batches of products according to an expiry date or shelf life. Stock is organized and updated based on the shelf life of batches so that you do not sell a product whose shelf life is expired. It is a handy feature to have on your Magento 2 Store. 

Feature Highlights

  • Create product batches based on expiry date/shelf life
  • You download and view the batch stock report
  • Product stock and batch stock are synchronized during an update
  • Ability to mass import batches 
  • A notification email is sent for shelf life expiration
  • Expired batches are disabled automatically to prevent delivering expired products

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Custom Options Discount

Magento 2 has a great discount feature however, it is not enough to compete in the latest marketing standards. You need to up your game if you want to stay stronger in the business. Magento 2 custom options discount extension can extend the default discount functionality of the extension. With the help of this extension, you will be able to offer discounts on custom options when purchasing products. Custom options such as personalization, gift wrap, and many more. As you already know discounts are a great way to increase your sales quickly. It is one of the rarest features that you must have on your Magento 2 store.

Feature Highlights

  • Adds to the default Discount feature of Magento 2
  • Ability to provide special discounts on custom options such as personalization and gift wrap
  • Ability to add conditions and rules to custom discount
  • Boosts traffic and increases conversion rates
  • Perfect for festive seasons
  • Multi-store support 

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Apply Discount Coupon Code Via Link

This extension will enable your customers to apply discount coupon codes directly via the link on the basket page. So they don’t have to manually type in the code every time. You can share this discount coupon code link via email promotions or have a separate promotions page containing all discounts and offers. It will surely boost your sales and help you gain loyal customers over time. 

Feature Highlights

  • Apply coupon code via the link
  • Automatically applies the discount on the basket page
  • Ability to send discount links via email
  • Set a redirect URL to send your customers to a specific page after a discount is applied
  • Manage all configuration directly from your admin panel

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