Do you want your Magento 2 store to be much faster and smoother? Well, Lazy loading is one way to achieve exactly that for your website. Not only is it crucial in improving performance but also it provides a unique user experience for customers. Today, we will learn what is lazy loading? And how you can embed lazy loading in your Magento 2 store.  

What is Lazy Loading?

Lazy loading is used to delay the initialization of an object until it is needed. It is commonly known as asynchronous loading. You will be able to boost the performance of your store using this technique since there will be fewer data to be loaded in the start. As a Customer or user goes on navigating the necessary data will be loaded asynchronously. This method will also be able to reduce the bounce-back rate of users browsing your store due to the fast and smooth experience.

One great example of implementing this method is on your product pages. Suppose a user visits a product page on your site and if you have this method in place then only the products that are displayed to the user will be loaded. As he goes on scrolling other products will be loaded. Here only the required objects are being loaded so it efficiently utilizes network bandwidth to provide the needed information first and load other information when a user demands it. 

Benefits of Lazy Loading For Your Storefront 

There are tons of benefits of using Lazing Loading on your storefront. Some of the best advantages are:-

  • Improves the performance and efficiency of your website.
  • Best utilize your network or server bandwidth by only loading the necessary resources first.
  • Makes for unique and improved user experience by loading contents fast
  • It can be quite beneficial from an SEO point of view as well as in improving the ranking of your website
  • It is also efficient with other devices such as mobiles and tablets

How Can You Embed Lazy Loading in Your Magento 2 Store?

Sadly, there is no out of the box lazy loading functionality from Magento 2 but worry not our expert developers have devised a perfect extension to implement this technique on your storefront. It will help lazy load almost all of the images on your store such as category, product, CMS pages. These images will be loaded as a user scroll downs on the page. You can use our Magento 2 Lazy load image extension to improve the overall performance and efficiency of these pages. Some of its best features are listed below:-

  • It can smart delay the loading of all the images at once and loads only a few essentially images at first improving the performance by great margins.
  • You can use it on different pages such as product, category,  CMS, search etc.
  • It provides you with the option to include or exclude pages or images by using specific tags/expressions.
  • You get to define the number of images to be preloaded and also the number of images not to be lazy-loaded.
  • The extension works with all devices being completely mobile responsive. 
  • It will also aid you in boosting the SEO of your store.

To know in detail about its features and learn more about the extension click HERE.

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