updating customer email address on magento order

Magento has so many wonderful features but they don’t have an option to update customer email address against the order. Modifying or updating customer email address on a Magento Order can be simply achieved by following the below step by step guide -:

Step 1 : Go to your phpMyAdmin or sqlyog for your Magento store database

Step 2 : Run the following query against your Magento store database

update sales_flat_order set customer_email='correct_email_address@abc.com' where customer_email='wrong_email_address@abc.com' and increment_id='100000003'

Please take back up before running any delete / update / insert statements against your live database

The above will work for limited amount of requests you get to update or modify email address from your customers.

But if you get a lot of requests or you are not familiar with phpMyAdmin or sqlyog then we would highly recommend you to use the following module as this module allows you to edit email address via admin interface.


Hope this article helped you in some way. Please leave us your comment and let us know what do you think? Thanks.

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