

Magento product collection

Magento product collection

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Magento data collection is very important factor in magento development, we are planning to write more data collection articles on this blog but today we are going to cover only product data collection. We are going to…

Magento block caching

Magento block caching

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Caching is very important in today’s world of ecommerce or any site where every millisecond count. The slower your site is the less conversion it is going to get because now a days everyone is so busy…

Add SEO content in the magento footer

Add SEO content in the magento footer

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Do you know most of the search engines crawl from the bottom or footer of your pages? Read moreDealcollector un sito per tutte le offerte di Groupon, Groupalia e molti aiThe question is how can you add…

Magento registry

Magento registry

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Magento has a way to store global data in the registry object which can be stored and accessedusing the following two functions -: Mage::register($key,$value); Mage::registry($key); Read moreDealcollector un sito per tutte le offerte di Groupon, Groupalia e…

Magento 1 : Adding currency to system configuration in Magento

Magento 1 : Adding currency to system configuration in Magento

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn If you want to add currency to your system configuration in Magento admin then you need to add the following code to your system.xml Single select configuraton <config> <sections> ……. <fields> <base_currency translate=”label”> <label>Base Currency</label> <frontend_type>select</frontend_type> <source_model>adminhtml/system_config_source_currency</source_model>…

Module conflicts in magento

Module conflicts in magento

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn As we all know there are a lot of companies and developers creating magento extensions and if you are using different third party extensions then you are more likely to have those conflicts as most of these…

Login observer in Magento

Login observer in Magento

Facebook Twitter LinkedIn There are a lot of reasons you want to override customer login function of Magento, it could be because you want to implement captcha or new tracking or log customer data or many other reasons. Today going…