How to install Magento 2 on XAMPP in three simple steps?

Install xampp in Magento 2

Folks, our team has installed Magento 2 beta version 0.74.0 on their local machines, we are planning to migrate all our Magento 1 extensions to Magento 2 but before that we thought it would be good idea to share the Magento 2 installation process with the community.

According to our tech lead, this was done in 3 simple steps, hope this works for you as well

Step 1 – Install XAMPP (We install version 5.6.3 / PHP 5.6.3)

  • Edit php.ini to enable extensions as below:



            always_populate_raw_post_data = -1

  • Open C:xamppapacheconfextrahttpd-vhosts.conf and the following entry

<VirtualHost *:80>


DocumentRoot “C:/xampp/htdocs/magento2”


#ErrorLog “logs/”

#CustomLog “logs/” common


  • Now open c:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts (as administrator) and add the following line    

Step 2 – Install Composer

If you scroll down you will find Windows Installer

During install please make sure install shall menus option is selected

Select PHP.exe (C:xamppphpphp.exe)

Step 3 – Install Magento 2

  • Create Magento2 folder in c:xampphtdocs
  • Open git bash and run the following command

git init

git remote add origin

git pull origin master

  • Once Magento2 code is downloaded then right click on composer.json file and click composer install
  • Create database with name magento2
  • Open in your browser, this should show the set up wizard, follow the wizard and it should be done.
  • If the images are missing from admin or frontend then run the following command -:

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

Hope the above article helps in some way, please leave us feedback or question related to Magento2 installation in the comment below.

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